Can I Be Compensated as a Result of a Black Ice Injury | Pennsylvania
Michael Rosenzweig
Some people refer to isolated ice patches as black ice. All that really means is it’s a clear patch of ice, and if the concrete is black or the asphalt is black it appears to be black. So often times you can’t see those ice patches. But once they turned to slash and you’ve drive through them, often times they are visible. So, if you know somebody who has been in a car accident after encountering black ice or an ice patch you need to call us. Because we will get the right investigators, the right engineers, we’ll get our lawyers to the scene and we will walk the scene, drive the scene, videotape the scene and we can determine whether the condition is one that is the fault of someone or simply just snow falling.
Some people refer to isolated ice patches as black ice. All that really means is it’s a clear patch of ice, and if the concrete is black or the asphalt is black it appears to be black. So often times you can’t see those ice patches. But once they turned to slash and you’ve drive through them, often times they are visible. So, if you know somebody who has been in a car accident after encountering black ice or an ice patch you need to call us. Because we will get the right investigators, the right engineers, we’ll get our lawyers to the scene and we will walk the scene, drive the scene, videotape the scene and we can determine whether the condition is one that is the fault of someone or simply just snow falling.