Florida Medical Malpractice Laws

Common Claims | Orlando Medical Malpractice

Ron Gilbert


Common Orlando Medical Malpractice Claims

The most common types of injuries in Florida medical malpractice claims would be brain damage, amputation, loss of an important bodily function, and even death. If you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, I’d be glad to discuss the details with you. My name is Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Common Orlando Medical Malpractice Claims

The most common types of injuries in Florida medical malpractice claims would be brain damage, amputation, loss of an important bodily function, and even death. If you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, I’d be glad to discuss the details with you. My name is Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Medical Malpractice Lawyers | Orlando

Nathan Carter


Experienced Orlando Medical Malpractice Lawyers

At Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter we’ve handled literally hundreds of malpractice cases all across the state of Florida and probably every county in Florida. A lot of firms in Florida will advertise that they handle medical malpractice cases. But once you go meet with the lawyer, they’ll refer your case to another lawyer. We personally handle the cases. We have some of the top experts in the country that we use in these cases. And we have the results, and success, and a proven track record in these types of cases. So if you are concerned or think you or a loved one may have a malpractice case, call us. We have a free consultation. We’ll talk to you, we’ll review the records, and we’ll have our experts look at it. So if you have a question, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter, 1800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Experienced Orlando Medical Malpractice Lawyers

At Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter we’ve handled literally hundreds of malpractice cases all across the state of Florida and probably every county in Florida. A lot of firms in Florida will advertise that they handle medical malpractice cases. But once you go meet with the lawyer, they’ll refer your case to another lawyer. We personally handle the cases. We have some of the top experts in the country that we use in these cases. And we have the results, and success, and a proven track record in these types of cases. So if you are concerned or think you or a loved one may have a malpractice case, call us. We have a free consultation. We’ll talk to you, we’ll review the records, and we’ll have our experts look at it. So if you have a question, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter, 1800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Time to Resolve Claim | Orlando Medical Malpractice

Ron Gilbert


How long will it take us to resolve your Florida Medical Malpractice Claim?

Well, that varies with every case. Some cases resolve early, other cases take years, and it all depends upon how strong your case is. What are the facts that we’re working with? How many defendants are involved in your case? If you like to discuss your case in more detail, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

How long will it take us to resolve your Florida Medical Malpractice Claim?

Well, that varies with every case. Some cases resolve early, other cases take years, and it all depends upon how strong your case is. What are the facts that we’re working with? How many defendants are involved in your case? If you like to discuss your case in more detail, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

What is Medical Malpractice? | Orlando Personal Injury

Ron Gilbert


What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice is the failure to use reasonable care. Now it can be negligence by a doctor or a nurse, or somebody else in the hospital – or out of the hospital. Any time the health care person, the healthcare professional, does something, or fails to do something that results in injury or perhaps even unfortunately death, that could be a medical malpractice claim. If you’d like to discuss the details with me, I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice is the failure to use reasonable care. Now it can be negligence by a doctor or a nurse, or somebody else in the hospital – or out of the hospital. Any time the health care person, the healthcare professional, does something, or fails to do something that results in injury or perhaps even unfortunately death, that could be a medical malpractice claim. If you’d like to discuss the details with me, I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Suspected Medical Malpractice | Orlando Personal Injury

Nathan Carter


Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Claim in Orlando?

If you suspect that medical malpractice has occurred, it’s usually important right away to document things. A lot of times I tell folks to take notes, take pictures, document things early. Because when you’re stressed out and things are happening fast, a lot of times you don’t remember that later. Then, once you do all that, I think it’s important to talk to an attorney. Because a lot of times, you don’t know if malpractice has occurred. What we do then, is gather all the records. We’re able to spot issues on some of these cases easier than lay people are. We also have experts in every type of medical malpractice that has occurred. so we can get those records to our experts. Go over the whole chart and then sit down with you and the rest of the family and consult about whether or not there is a case. If you think you may have a case or just want to discuss your options, call me. Nathan Carter at Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Claim in Orlando?

If you suspect that medical malpractice has occurred, it’s usually important right away to document things. A lot of times I tell folks to take notes, take pictures, document things early. Because when you’re stressed out and things are happening fast, a lot of times you don’t remember that later. Then, once you do all that, I think it’s important to talk to an attorney. Because a lot of times, you don’t know if malpractice has occurred. What we do then, is gather all the records. We’re able to spot issues on some of these cases easier than lay people are. We also have experts in every type of medical malpractice that has occurred. so we can get those records to our experts. Go over the whole chart and then sit down with you and the rest of the family and consult about whether or not there is a case. If you think you may have a case or just want to discuss your options, call me. Nathan Carter at Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Contingency Fee | Orlando Medical Malpractice

Ron Gilbert


How does the lawyer get paid?

If you have a medical malpractice case, we handle those cases on a contingency fee bases. So if you give me a call, I will be glad to discuss the contingency fee with you and basically if there’s no recovery, there is no fee. If we get a recovery for you, our fee is a percentage of that. My name is Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter, 1800-49 LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

How does the lawyer get paid?

If you have a medical malpractice case, we handle those cases on a contingency fee bases. So if you give me a call, I will be glad to discuss the contingency fee with you and basically if there’s no recovery, there is no fee. If we get a recovery for you, our fee is a percentage of that. My name is Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter, 1800-49 LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Economic & Non-Economic Damages | Orlando Wrongful Death

Ron Gilbert


2 Types of Damages in Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Orlando

The Wrongful Death Lawsuit in the state of Florida has two basic types of damages: Economic Damages and Non-Economic Damages.

Economic Damages

Economic  Damages are those damages that we can put on the board – lost wages, funeral, medical bills, that type of thing.

Non- Economic Damages

Non-Economic Damages would be pain and suffering, impairment to the quality of life – things of an intangible nature. If you’ve lost a loved one due to a wrongful death, call Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter: 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

2 Types of Damages in Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Orlando

The Wrongful Death Lawsuit in the state of Florida has two basic types of damages: Economic Damages and Non-Economic Damages.

Economic Damages

Economic  Damages are those damages that we can put on the board – lost wages, funeral, medical bills, that type of thing.

Non- Economic Damages

Non-Economic Damages would be pain and suffering, impairment to the quality of life – things of an intangible nature. If you’ve lost a loved one due to a wrongful death, call Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter: 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Children's Medical Malpractice Cases | Orlando

Nathan Carter


Children’s Medical Malpractice Cases in Orlando

Unfortunately we’ve handled a lot of cases, medical malpractice cases that involved children or infants. And for me, those were the hardest kind of cases to handle because I have three young children at home. So I found that I’ve gotten more personally invested in those cases and gotten to know the families. I think those kind of cases are probably the hardest kind of medical malpractice cases for the families, because when a child or an infant gets hurt, it affects the whole family, you feel helpless. So I think those are the kind of cases that I’ve really personally identified with the most and fought the hardest on. If you have any kind of question about a malpractice case involving a child or an infant, feel free to call me. Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter, 1-80049-legal.

By: Nathan Carter

Children’s Medical Malpractice Cases in Orlando

Unfortunately we’ve handled a lot of cases, medical malpractice cases that involved children or infants. And for me, those were the hardest kind of cases to handle because I have three young children at home. So I found that I’ve gotten more personally invested in those cases and gotten to know the families. I think those kind of cases are probably the hardest kind of medical malpractice cases for the families, because when a child or an infant gets hurt, it affects the whole family, you feel helpless. So I think those are the kind of cases that I’ve really personally identified with the most and fought the hardest on. If you have any kind of question about a malpractice case involving a child or an infant, feel free to call me. Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter, 1-80049-legal.

By: Nathan Carter

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit | Orlando Personal Injury

David Best


Orlando Medical Malpractice

I want to talk to you a little bit about medical malpractice. This firm has handled medical malpractice for many, many years, both for the defense and for the injured patient. In fact, I personally do a lot of medical malpractice.

Keys to Successful Malpractice Litigation

For starters, you have to have a case where some medical healthcare provider – a doctor or a hospital through its nurse or somebody – did something that a reasonably careful person wouldn’t have done, or they failed to do something that a reasonably careful healthcare provider would have done.

You might technically have a case if you’re not severely injured, but to make it make sense, to prosecute a case, for us to handle it, there needs to be some significant injury – not necessarily a horrible injury, but a significant injury. For starters, you have to have somebody who knows the medicine.

Malpractice Case Experience

We’ve handled so many of these cases. We know a lot of the medicine. We’re not doctors, but we do have doctors that we’ve worked with for many, many years to consult with us and tell us whether the healthcare provider deviated from the appropriate standard of care, or whether there was just an inherent risk in the procedure and there was no negligence.

But this is something that’s really hard for somebody – a lay person or an injured patient – to figure out by themselves. That’s why you probably, if you think you’ve got a medical malpractice case, you ought to call somebody who does a lot of that. We do, and we’d sure be happy to talk to you. Thank you very much.

By: David Best

Orlando Medical Malpractice

I want to talk to you a little bit about medical malpractice. This firm has handled medical malpractice for many, many years, both for the defense and for the injured patient. In fact, I personally do a lot of medical malpractice.

Keys to Successful Malpractice Litigation

For starters, you have to have a case where some medical healthcare provider – a doctor or a hospital through its nurse or somebody – did something that a reasonably careful person wouldn’t have done, or they failed to do something that a reasonably careful healthcare provider would have done.

You might technically have a case if you’re not severely injured, but to make it make sense, to prosecute a case, for us to handle it, there needs to be some significant injury – not necessarily a horrible injury, but a significant injury. For starters, you have to have somebody who knows the medicine.

Malpractice Case Experience

We’ve handled so many of these cases. We know a lot of the medicine. We’re not doctors, but we do have doctors that we’ve worked with for many, many years to consult with us and tell us whether the healthcare provider deviated from the appropriate standard of care, or whether there was just an inherent risk in the procedure and there was no negligence.

But this is something that’s really hard for somebody – a lay person or an injured patient – to figure out by themselves. That’s why you probably, if you think you’ve got a medical malpractice case, you ought to call somebody who does a lot of that. We do, and we’d sure be happy to talk to you. Thank you very much.

By: David Best

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