Florida Auto Accident & Motorcycle Laws

Settling Out of Court | Orlando Auto Accident

Ron Gilbert


Do most car accident cases settle out of court?

The answer is, yes. But, there’s only one way that we can get the settlement that you deserve. And that is, we have to prepare your cases if we’re going to go to trial. We have to be ready to take your case to trial. And we do try cases, and the insurance companies know that, so we can get the right value for your case. If you’d like to discuss your case in more detail, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter: 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Do most car accident cases settle out of court?

The answer is, yes. But, there’s only one way that we can get the settlement that you deserve. And that is, we have to prepare your cases if we’re going to go to trial. We have to be ready to take your case to trial. And we do try cases, and the insurance companies know that, so we can get the right value for your case. If you’d like to discuss your case in more detail, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter: 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Damages for Preexisting Injuries | Orlando Auto Accident

Melvin Wright


Can you recover damages for aggravation of injuries that preexisted an accident in Florida?

Absolutely. Our jury instructions tell juries to do so. We get questions like these all the time. If you have questions about your accident and your claims, call us, 1800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright

Can you recover damages for aggravation of injuries that preexisted an accident in Florida?

Absolutely. Our jury instructions tell juries to do so. We get questions like these all the time. If you have questions about your accident and your claims, call us, 1800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright

Motorcycle Accident Case | Orlando Personal Injury

Nathan Carter


Motorcycle Accident Litigation in Orlando

In Florida, a lot of people like to get outside and ride motorcycles especially in the Summer or in the Spring. When the weather’s nice, we also have a lot of tourists who drive in Florida so that’s a bad combination. Over the years, we’ve handled a lot of cases involving motorcycles or hit by cars and vehicles and tourists. Usually the motorcyclist is hurt the worst in those cases, and a lot of times the motorcyclists and their families ask us if the person can still bring the case even if they weren’t wearing a helmet, and the answer is yes you can. You do not, by law, have to wear a helmet in Florida. The way they use it against you is by arguing that comparative fault is some of the fault is yours for not wearing a helmet, but you’re still allowed to bring the case, and you’re still allowed to recover if you were not at fault. If you have a question about a motorcycle accident case, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Motorcycle Accident Litigation in Orlando

In Florida, a lot of people like to get outside and ride motorcycles especially in the Summer or in the Spring. When the weather’s nice, we also have a lot of tourists who drive in Florida so that’s a bad combination. Over the years, we’ve handled a lot of cases involving motorcycles or hit by cars and vehicles and tourists. Usually the motorcyclist is hurt the worst in those cases, and a lot of times the motorcyclists and their families ask us if the person can still bring the case even if they weren’t wearing a helmet, and the answer is yes you can. You do not, by law, have to wear a helmet in Florida. The way they use it against you is by arguing that comparative fault is some of the fault is yours for not wearing a helmet, but you’re still allowed to bring the case, and you’re still allowed to recover if you were not at fault. If you have a question about a motorcycle accident case, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Rental Car Coverage | Orlando Auto Accident

Ron Gilbert


Rental Car Coverage in Orlando Auto Accident

I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter. Many times insurance coverage will have rental car coverage included. If that’s included in your policy, your own insurance company will cover the rental car cost if you’re in an accident and your car is damaged. If you don’t have rental car coverage then you’re going to have to pay for the rental car up front and will be seeking damages in the claim against the person that is at fault. Again, I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Rental Car Coverage in Orlando Auto Accident

I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter. Many times insurance coverage will have rental car coverage included. If that’s included in your policy, your own insurance company will cover the rental car cost if you’re in an accident and your car is damaged. If you don’t have rental car coverage then you’re going to have to pay for the rental car up front and will be seeking damages in the claim against the person that is at fault. Again, I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Accident Caused By Traffic Light | Orlando Personal Injury

Ron Gilbert


Orlando Auto Accident Caused By Malfunctioning Traffic Light

If your car accident was due to a malfunctioning traffic light in the state of Florida, we look at the municipality responsible for maintaining that light. Once a city or town puts up a traffic light, they have a responsibility to maintain that in a good working order; in a good working fashion. If that traffic light fails and an accident happens, then we’ll look at the municipality as the possible defendant in your case. So, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert – Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Orlando Auto Accident Caused By Malfunctioning Traffic Light

If your car accident was due to a malfunctioning traffic light in the state of Florida, we look at the municipality responsible for maintaining that light. Once a city or town puts up a traffic light, they have a responsibility to maintain that in a good working order; in a good working fashion. If that traffic light fails and an accident happens, then we’ll look at the municipality as the possible defendant in your case. So, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert – Colling, Gilbert, Wright & Carter, 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Personal Injury Claim | Clearwater Personal Injury

Julia McGrath


How To Successfully Litigate Personal Injury Claim

Hi. I’m Julia McGrath an attorney here at the Dolman Law Group. Often times clients ask me, what do I need to be doing as a client, in order to succeed on my personal injury claim? While we, as the attorney, are investigating the claim and doing the legal research, it’s important that you as a client to fill some of your obligations as well.

Keeping Medical Records

One of those things is keeping fresh with your medical records, and what I mean by that is seeking medical treatment and going to your doctor’s appointment. These appointments and medical records become imperative, in order for us to demonstrate to the insurance company the extent of your injuries and what you should be compensated for. It’s important when you’re meeting with your treating physician to document the extent of your injuries by listing everything that hurts and everything that’s wrong with you. Be thorough in your complaints, so that your doctor can take down all this information and embody it into your medical record for us to use later down the road.

Hire Attorney Julia McGrath

For more information, call me, Julia McGrath at the Dolman Law Group. ย  Thanks again for visiting our YouTube channel. I greatly appreciate the time. Look forward to seeing you soon, and click on our button here to subscribe to our channel. Thank you.

By: Julia McGrath

How To Successfully Litigate Personal Injury Claim

Hi. I’m Julia McGrath an attorney here at the Dolman Law Group. Often times clients ask me, what do I need to be doing as a client, in order to succeed on my personal injury claim? While we, as the attorney, are investigating the claim and doing the legal research, it’s important that you as a client to fill some of your obligations as well.

Keeping Medical Records

One of those things is keeping fresh with your medical records, and what I mean by that is seeking medical treatment and going to your doctor’s appointment. These appointments and medical records become imperative, in order for us to demonstrate to the insurance company the extent of your injuries and what you should be compensated for. It’s important when you’re meeting with your treating physician to document the extent of your injuries by listing everything that hurts and everything that’s wrong with you. Be thorough in your complaints, so that your doctor can take down all this information and embody it into your medical record for us to use later down the road.

Hire Attorney Julia McGrath

For more information, call me, Julia McGrath at the Dolman Law Group. ย  Thanks again for visiting our YouTube channel. I greatly appreciate the time. Look forward to seeing you soon, and click on our button here to subscribe to our channel. Thank you.

By: Julia McGrath

What is Negligence? | Orlando Personal Injury

Ron Gilbert


What is negligence?

A negligence is when the other driver is not operating their vehicle in a reasonably safe fashion and it causes the accident, that’s negligence. So if you were in a car accident, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

What is negligence?

A negligence is when the other driver is not operating their vehicle in a reasonably safe fashion and it causes the accident, that’s negligence. So if you were in a car accident, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Can I Sue If I Am Cited For Accident | Orlando Auto Accident

Melvin Wright


One of the most common questions we get from car accident victims is: If I get cited for the accident, can I still sue?

Of course you can. The police officer wasn’t a witness to the accident in most cases, as a result, it doesn’t matter who gets the ticket. The jury decides who should’ve gotten the ticket. Call us with any questions about your car accident claim. I’m Mel Wright, I’m a partner at Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. Call us at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright

One of the most common questions we get from car accident victims is: If I get cited for the accident, can I still sue?

Of course you can. The police officer wasn’t a witness to the accident in most cases, as a result, it doesn’t matter who gets the ticket. The jury decides who should’ve gotten the ticket. Call us with any questions about your car accident claim. I’m Mel Wright, I’m a partner at Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. Call us at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright

Recover Future Medical Expenses | Orlando Auto Accident

Ron Gilbert


Can you recover future medical expenses when you’re injured in a car accident?

The answer is absolutely yes. Future medical expenses will be an important part of your claim. If you have questions about your car accident case, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

Can you recover future medical expenses when you’re injured in a car accident?

The answer is absolutely yes. Future medical expenses will be an important part of your claim. If you have questions about your car accident case, give me a call. I’m Ron Gilbert with Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter. 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Ron Gilbert

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