New York Personal Injury Laws

Public Service Law Tip #5 | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Tip On Insurance Policies

I’m Ira Maurer, with a public service law tip. If you’re a driver in New York, you’re insurance policy must have coverage for underinsured uninsured drivers. That means if you get in an accident with someone who doesn’t have an insurance policy as required by law, your own insurance still will provide a benefit of at least $25,000 for each individual who’s injured, maximum coverage, and a maximum of $50,000 for all injuries from one single accident.

That’s not very much money, and if you get seriously injured it won’t go anywhere near what’s necessary to compensate you for your injuries and help you deal with the financial losses. You can purchase more insurance if you call up your insurance agent, for a relatively minor sum – hundreds of dollars – you can get hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional coverage. This is a no-brainer. So if you’re a driver in New York, you should purchase additional uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

For more information, contact the Maurer Law Firm by going to

Tip On Insurance Policies

I’m Ira Maurer, with a public service law tip. If you’re a driver in New York, you’re insurance policy must have coverage for underinsured uninsured drivers. That means if you get in an accident with someone who doesn’t have an insurance policy as required by law, your own insurance still will provide a benefit of at least $25,000 for each individual who’s injured, maximum coverage, and a maximum of $50,000 for all injuries from one single accident.

That’s not very much money, and if you get seriously injured it won’t go anywhere near what’s necessary to compensate you for your injuries and help you deal with the financial losses. You can purchase more insurance if you call up your insurance agent, for a relatively minor sum – hundreds of dollars – you can get hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional coverage. This is a no-brainer. So if you’re a driver in New York, you should purchase additional uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

For more information, contact the Maurer Law Firm by going to

Railroad Passengers Injured | Ira Maurer Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Railroad Passenger Injured

When a passenger on a railroad is injured, you need an attorney that can process and can anticipate what the railroad’s going to do to defend itself. When I handle your case, I have your best interest in mind and work with you to understand the process.

Railroad Passenger Injured

When a passenger on a railroad is injured, you need an attorney that can process and can anticipate what the railroad’s going to do to defend itself. When I handle your case, I have your best interest in mind and work with you to understand the process.

Brick Layers Diagnosed With Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Brick Layer Exposed to Asbestos

You’re a bricklayer. You’ve now been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’re wondering how did you get this disease?

 Mesothelioma Trial Attorney

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I am a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you a bit about the types of exposures to asbestos that bricklayers faced from their work on the job. In order to do that, I want to talk to you about a prior client I had, and his work is a good example of how bricklayers are exposed to asbestos.

How Do Brick Layers Become Exposed

He worked at very large commercial sites, sites like the World Trade Center, and he also worked at smaller commercial sites. He was a union bricklayer, so he did all commercial work. And the smaller sites for him were six-story apartment buildings, and whether it was a big building or a small building, his work was kind of always the same. He did brick and masonry work, Brick and masonry walls, and from time to time, especially back in the 1950s, some of the actual brick that he used contained asbestos.

But mostly, most of his exposures to asbestos came from the work of other tradesmen. Now when he was doing his work, other tradesmen could be shoulder to shoulder with him or maybe within ten feet working with products that contained asbestos. If he was building walls in a boiler room, plumbers or steamfitters could be working on the boiler systems working with steam pipes and working with the equipment in the boiler room, all of which was insulated with asbestos.

Mixing asbestos, applying it as a insulation material to high heat and to steam equipment while my client, the bricklayer, is putting up a masonry wall not far away. They’re all breathing the same dust, and all of the tradesmen in the room are susceptible to getting mesothelioma. In addition, when he was doing his work in different parts of apartment buildings, other trades were putting up internal walls and putting in floors using building materials that contained asbestos.

These exposures to asbestos, caused by other trades working near my bricklayer client, caused him to get mesothelioma. Now why am I telling you all this? It’s because you have questions about mesothelioma, and about the types of exposures that bricklayers would have to asbestos.

I’m Joe Williams, and at our office we handle cases from mesothelioma victims every day, and we deal with these issues every single day. Call us at our office, we’ll answer your questions. Thanks.

Brick Layer Exposed to Asbestos

You’re a bricklayer. You’ve now been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’re wondering how did you get this disease?

 Mesothelioma Trial Attorney

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I am a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you a bit about the types of exposures to asbestos that bricklayers faced from their work on the job. In order to do that, I want to talk to you about a prior client I had, and his work is a good example of how bricklayers are exposed to asbestos.

How Do Brick Layers Become Exposed

He worked at very large commercial sites, sites like the World Trade Center, and he also worked at smaller commercial sites. He was a union bricklayer, so he did all commercial work. And the smaller sites for him were six-story apartment buildings, and whether it was a big building or a small building, his work was kind of always the same. He did brick and masonry work, Brick and masonry walls, and from time to time, especially back in the 1950s, some of the actual brick that he used contained asbestos.

But mostly, most of his exposures to asbestos came from the work of other tradesmen. Now when he was doing his work, other tradesmen could be shoulder to shoulder with him or maybe within ten feet working with products that contained asbestos. If he was building walls in a boiler room, plumbers or steamfitters could be working on the boiler systems working with steam pipes and working with the equipment in the boiler room, all of which was insulated with asbestos.

Mixing asbestos, applying it as a insulation material to high heat and to steam equipment while my client, the bricklayer, is putting up a masonry wall not far away. They’re all breathing the same dust, and all of the tradesmen in the room are susceptible to getting mesothelioma. In addition, when he was doing his work in different parts of apartment buildings, other trades were putting up internal walls and putting in floors using building materials that contained asbestos.

These exposures to asbestos, caused by other trades working near my bricklayer client, caused him to get mesothelioma. Now why am I telling you all this? It’s because you have questions about mesothelioma, and about the types of exposures that bricklayers would have to asbestos.

I’m Joe Williams, and at our office we handle cases from mesothelioma victims every day, and we deal with these issues every single day. Call us at our office, we’ll answer your questions. Thanks.

Dentists and Dental Technicians Diagnosed with Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Dentists and Dental Technicians Exposed to Asbestos

Did you know that dentists and dental technicians are being diagnosed with mesothelioma from their work in dental labs years ago?

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about some of these exposures to asbestos. So someone who now is an older gentleman, and is a dentist, and has been a dentist their entire career is diagnosed with mesothelioma, and they’re trying to figure out how could they have been exposed to asbestos, because all their doctors are telling them that the mesothelioma diagnosis is from asbestos. It’s caused by asbestos. So they journey back on the history of their life to determine if there’s ever a time when they worked with asbestos.

 Possible Ways of Exposure

And what we’ve found is that back when they were in dental school, they worked making crowns, and they used a method called the lost-wax method. And what that means is that wax is placed into an object, and it is used to make a mold for the crown. But what’s important about this process is that the lining underneath the wax is an asbestos-containing paper, and it’s used to withstand the high heat of when this mold is placed into the oven.

Now the dental technician – or the dental student in the example I’m giving, who later became a dentist – had to cut that paper and manipulate it, and it’s made of asbestos. And in doing that repeatedly over a course of time, exposed that person to asbestos dust, asbestos fibers that they breathe, which cause them to – decades later – be diagnosed with mesothelioma.

 Contact Us with Questions and Concerns

Now I’m telling you this information, because you have questions about Mesothelioma and how it is caused. I’m Joe Williams. At my office, we deal with issues like these every day, and we answer questions every day for mesothelioma victims and for their family members .

If you have questions, I invite you to contact our office, and we’ll answer your questions.

Thank you.

Dentists and Dental Technicians Exposed to Asbestos

Did you know that dentists and dental technicians are being diagnosed with mesothelioma from their work in dental labs years ago?

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about some of these exposures to asbestos. So someone who now is an older gentleman, and is a dentist, and has been a dentist their entire career is diagnosed with mesothelioma, and they’re trying to figure out how could they have been exposed to asbestos, because all their doctors are telling them that the mesothelioma diagnosis is from asbestos. It’s caused by asbestos. So they journey back on the history of their life to determine if there’s ever a time when they worked with asbestos.

 Possible Ways of Exposure

And what we’ve found is that back when they were in dental school, they worked making crowns, and they used a method called the lost-wax method. And what that means is that wax is placed into an object, and it is used to make a mold for the crown. But what’s important about this process is that the lining underneath the wax is an asbestos-containing paper, and it’s used to withstand the high heat of when this mold is placed into the oven.

Now the dental technician – or the dental student in the example I’m giving, who later became a dentist – had to cut that paper and manipulate it, and it’s made of asbestos. And in doing that repeatedly over a course of time, exposed that person to asbestos dust, asbestos fibers that they breathe, which cause them to – decades later – be diagnosed with mesothelioma.

 Contact Us with Questions and Concerns

Now I’m telling you this information, because you have questions about Mesothelioma and how it is caused. I’m Joe Williams. At my office, we deal with issues like these every day, and we answer questions every day for mesothelioma victims and for their family members .

If you have questions, I invite you to contact our office, and we’ll answer your questions.

Thank you.

Companies Responsible For Asbestos Exposure, Bankrupt | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Companies That Caused Asbestos Exposure Went Bankrupt

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’ve learned that some or all of the companies that were responsible for exposing you to asbestos have gone bankrupt. What do you do?


Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney in New York City. I can tell you that in every mesothelioma case that we handle, there’s two claims. One, as against all of those companies who are still in business, who are viable, still conducting business, and we bring a civil lawsuit against them related to their liability to our client for causing our clients mesothelioma.


The second type of claim is administrative claims involving the bankruptcy trusts that had been set up by all of those companies that have declared bankruptcy over the course of the past decades in order to avoid the civil liability associated with these lawsuits related to mesothelioma and asbestos.


So how are those claims filed? Well, we elicit exposure information from our clients regarding their exposure to the products made by these bankrupt companies. We then take that exposure information and we submit it to the trust that had been set up, and the trust reviews the evidence and the exposure information that was submitted. It’s important to remember that these trusts were set up because these companies, these corporations, declared bankruptcy, and their bankruptcy

Companies That Caused Asbestos Exposure Went Bankrupt

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’ve learned that some or all of the companies that were responsible for exposing you to asbestos have gone bankrupt. What do you do?


Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney in New York City. I can tell you that in every mesothelioma case that we handle, there’s two claims. One, as against all of those companies who are still in business, who are viable, still conducting business, and we bring a civil lawsuit against them related to their liability to our client for causing our clients mesothelioma.


The second type of claim is administrative claims involving the bankruptcy trusts that had been set up by all of those companies that have declared bankruptcy over the course of the past decades in order to avoid the civil liability associated with these lawsuits related to mesothelioma and asbestos.


So how are those claims filed? Well, we elicit exposure information from our clients regarding their exposure to the products made by these bankrupt companies. We then take that exposure information and we submit it to the trust that had been set up, and the trust reviews the evidence and the exposure information that was submitted. It’s important to remember that these trusts were set up because these companies, these corporations, declared bankruptcy, and their bankruptcy

Public Service Law Tip #1 | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Public Service Tips

I’m Ira Maurer, with a public service law tip. If you’ve been injured and commence a lawsuit to collect damages for your injuries, you have the burden of proving your case by a preponderance of the credible evidence. That means you have to convince a jury that, with each element of your case, it’s more likely true than not true. You have to tip the scale of justice in your favor, 51% to 49%; if the jury thinks it’s 50/50, then you haven’t met your burden of proof and you will lose the case. This burden is different from what you may have heard in a criminal case, where the prosecutor has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you’d like more information about pursuing a personal injury case, visit the Maurer Law Firm’s website at

Public Service Tips

I’m Ira Maurer, with a public service law tip. If you’ve been injured and commence a lawsuit to collect damages for your injuries, you have the burden of proving your case by a preponderance of the credible evidence. That means you have to convince a jury that, with each element of your case, it’s more likely true than not true. You have to tip the scale of justice in your favor, 51% to 49%; if the jury thinks it’s 50/50, then you haven’t met your burden of proof and you will lose the case. This burden is different from what you may have heard in a criminal case, where the prosecutor has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you’d like more information about pursuing a personal injury case, visit the Maurer Law Firm’s website at

Experienced Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorney | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Experienced Mesothelioma Attorney

When handling Mesothelioma cases, a very important criteria the attorney just has to have when dealing with victims of Mesothelioma, is empathy for the plight of these victims. We represent people. We represent victims as they fight for justice against large entities, companies, corporations. There is no substitute for experience. Experience and seasoning is a very important factor in handling a Mesothelioma case.

 Caring About and For Our Clients

Our clients are brilliant people. They can see from day one the level of commitment that our firm has to their case. They know that to us, it’s not just a case, it’s a cause. It’s a cause that we take on, that we are all in, 100%, fighting for them.

Experienced Mesothelioma Attorney

When handling Mesothelioma cases, a very important criteria the attorney just has to have when dealing with victims of Mesothelioma, is empathy for the plight of these victims. We represent people. We represent victims as they fight for justice against large entities, companies, corporations. There is no substitute for experience. Experience and seasoning is a very important factor in handling a Mesothelioma case.

 Caring About and For Our Clients

Our clients are brilliant people. They can see from day one the level of commitment that our firm has to their case. They know that to us, it’s not just a case, it’s a cause. It’s a cause that we take on, that we are all in, 100%, fighting for them.

Iron Workers Diagnosed With Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Iron Workers Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

You worked as an iron worker, and you’ve now been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you’re asking yourself, “How did I get this disease?” Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about the types of exposures that iron workers had to asbestos. In order to do that, I want to talk to you about a former client of mine who was a union iron worker. He dealt with structural steel which he installed and worked on, which was also being sprayed with asbestos containing fire proofing spray. Now, he would be on one area of a floor while the sprayers were following his working and spraying the structural steel with fire proofing. That entailed mixing the dry fire proofing product with water, putting it into a gun, and the fire proof sprayers would spray the I-beams and the structural steel with this asbestos containing substance. While that was being sprayed onto the I-beams and into the air, my client was in the work space breathing in any asbestos dust created by that. In addition, after the fire proofing spray dried, and the ceiling had to be put in, hangers had to be attached – metal hangers had to be attached to the structural steel so that the drop ceiling could be installed. In order to do that, the fire proofing spray had to be scraped off of the structural steel. It was dry by that point, and the scraping of the fire proofing which contained asbestos caused dust in the air which the iron workers breathed – including my client. He also worked doing some ornamental iron work, and that meant that he was present at job sites when the job was more in the finishing process; when the internal walls were being put up, when the floors were being put in, because he would be putting in such things as railings and other steel fixtures, in perhaps tenant spaces or common areas. He was exposed to the work of other trades men who worked with joint compound or floor tile or ceiling tiles. Things that contained asbestos, and working with those products caused dust in the air that all the workers on the job site would breathe in. All of them being susceptible to later being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Now, decades later, years and years after his work with asbestos and work around asbestos, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. His doctors, after taking an occupational history, told him that his exposures to asbestos back on the work sites was the cause of his mesothelioma diagnosis. Now, I am telling you all this because you have questions about mesothelioma and about the types of exposures to asbestos that cause mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams, and at our office we deal with these issues every day. We represent victims of mesothelioma and their families as they pursue justice for exposures to asbestos. If you have questions, contact our office. We’ll answer your questions. Thanks for listening.

Iron Workers Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

You worked as an iron worker, and you’ve now been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you’re asking yourself, “How did I get this disease?” Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about the types of exposures that iron workers had to asbestos. In order to do that, I want to talk to you about a former client of mine who was a union iron worker. He dealt with structural steel which he installed and worked on, which was also being sprayed with asbestos containing fire proofing spray. Now, he would be on one area of a floor while the sprayers were following his working and spraying the structural steel with fire proofing. That entailed mixing the dry fire proofing product with water, putting it into a gun, and the fire proof sprayers would spray the I-beams and the structural steel with this asbestos containing substance. While that was being sprayed onto the I-beams and into the air, my client was in the work space breathing in any asbestos dust created by that. In addition, after the fire proofing spray dried, and the ceiling had to be put in, hangers had to be attached – metal hangers had to be attached to the structural steel so that the drop ceiling could be installed. In order to do that, the fire proofing spray had to be scraped off of the structural steel. It was dry by that point, and the scraping of the fire proofing which contained asbestos caused dust in the air which the iron workers breathed – including my client. He also worked doing some ornamental iron work, and that meant that he was present at job sites when the job was more in the finishing process; when the internal walls were being put up, when the floors were being put in, because he would be putting in such things as railings and other steel fixtures, in perhaps tenant spaces or common areas. He was exposed to the work of other trades men who worked with joint compound or floor tile or ceiling tiles. Things that contained asbestos, and working with those products caused dust in the air that all the workers on the job site would breathe in. All of them being susceptible to later being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Now, decades later, years and years after his work with asbestos and work around asbestos, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. His doctors, after taking an occupational history, told him that his exposures to asbestos back on the work sites was the cause of his mesothelioma diagnosis. Now, I am telling you all this because you have questions about mesothelioma and about the types of exposures to asbestos that cause mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams, and at our office we deal with these issues every day. We represent victims of mesothelioma and their families as they pursue justice for exposures to asbestos. If you have questions, contact our office. We’ll answer your questions. Thanks for listening.

Making A Mesothelioma Claim, World Trade Center | Joseph Williams Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Asbestos Exposure Claim

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you worked at the World Trade Center during it’s construction. The building no longer exists, so how could you possibly bring a claim for your mesothelioma diagnosis? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney here in New York City, and I can answer these questions that you might have about the World Trade Center. When the World Trade Center was constructed, it was one of the largest construction projects ever known to man, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the State of New York, entered into contracts with various contractors – general contractors and subcontractors – to do all of the work at this massive, massive project that involved thousands and thousands of workers. During the course of the last decade, we’ve seen many workers who have developed mesothelioma from their work at the World Trade Center, and through the litigation of those cases, we have acquired the contracts, the work records, the documents, which establish which contractors worked at the World Trade Center, what work they did, what work with asbestos was done at the World Trade Center. There’s also prior deposition testimony from other workers who’ve gone before you, who have already  testified to their exposure to asbestos at the World Trade Center. So, there’s a body of evidence and information about how workers were exposed to asbestos at the World Trade Center, and we can use that information, as well as any information that a worker who’s now been diagnosed with mesothelioma could have, to create a full picture of the types of exposures that occurred to workers at the World Trade Center. So, just because the building no longer exists, we are still able to go forward and prove a very strong case regarding exposure to asbestos at the World Trade Center, exposures that can cause mesothelioma to the workers that worked at the World Trade Center. You have questions about mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos. I’m Joe Williams. At our firm, we answer questions from mesothelioma victims and their families every day. Give us a call. We’ll be happy to answer your questions. Thank you.

Asbestos Exposure Claim

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you worked at the World Trade Center during it’s construction. The building no longer exists, so how could you possibly bring a claim for your mesothelioma diagnosis? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney here in New York City, and I can answer these questions that you might have about the World Trade Center. When the World Trade Center was constructed, it was one of the largest construction projects ever known to man, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the State of New York, entered into contracts with various contractors – general contractors and subcontractors – to do all of the work at this massive, massive project that involved thousands and thousands of workers. During the course of the last decade, we’ve seen many workers who have developed mesothelioma from their work at the World Trade Center, and through the litigation of those cases, we have acquired the contracts, the work records, the documents, which establish which contractors worked at the World Trade Center, what work they did, what work with asbestos was done at the World Trade Center. There’s also prior deposition testimony from other workers who’ve gone before you, who have already  testified to their exposure to asbestos at the World Trade Center. So, there’s a body of evidence and information about how workers were exposed to asbestos at the World Trade Center, and we can use that information, as well as any information that a worker who’s now been diagnosed with mesothelioma could have, to create a full picture of the types of exposures that occurred to workers at the World Trade Center. So, just because the building no longer exists, we are still able to go forward and prove a very strong case regarding exposure to asbestos at the World Trade Center, exposures that can cause mesothelioma to the workers that worked at the World Trade Center. You have questions about mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos. I’m Joe Williams. At our firm, we answer questions from mesothelioma victims and their families every day. Give us a call. We’ll be happy to answer your questions. Thank you.

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