New York Personal Injury Laws

Antidepressants & Autism | Sayville Personal Injury

Edward Lake


Increase in Children with Autism

Today on You Be The Judge. The percentage of children with autism has skyrocketed during the past 30 years. Some people blame vaccinations, others say it only seems like autism has increased because we’re more aware of it.

Are Common Drugs Causing Autism

Imagine that you were taking drug X, then imagine that scientist have become curious about the effects of drug X on human health and behavior. They conduct extensive testing on lab animals, and conclude that there seems to be a direct link between the drug and harmful conditions found in a specific segment of the animal population. For instance, pregnant rates.

Next, imagine that you fit into that specific human population segment, and are possibly susceptible to the highly increased risk of the negative effects seen in animals caused by drug X.

Then imagine that there are known alternatives to drug X such as exercise, that have been found to be beneficial and possibly even more beneficial than the drug.

Finally, imagine that studies have shown that a placebo is just as effective as the drug X that you have been taking. How does all of this make you feel about drug X?

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSIRs) Effect on Pregnancy

Now let’s take a look at a real life scenario that goes on today. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSIRs, are often found in antidepressants. These antidepressants are believed to affect serotonin.

Now, in a developing embryo, serotonin plays a critical role in the brain’s development, and many believe that autism is characterized by changes in the serotonin system. Therefore it seemed reasonable that taking these antidepressants during pregnancy might affect developing baby’s brain formation. Regarding these antidepressants, Doctor said, “It really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, given that numerous animals studies have shown that exposure during development leads to changes in the brain and changes in behavior. Changes that often mimic autism.”

Studies Connecting Autism to Antidepressants

Authors of the mentioned animal studies warned that their findings of harmful effects should concern us when using these drugs on humans. Only two studies have been completed on the links between autism and antidepressants in humans.

The first study, a smaller one, published in 2011, found that children whose mothers took antidepressants are twice as likely to have autism. A study recently published in the British Medical Journal surveyed a much larger group, and it found that the use of antidepressants was associated with a risk of autism three times that of women not taking those drugs. The authors of these studies were cautious with their words as no one has conducted a Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT.

An RCT can most accurately assess causation. Now to conduct an RCT, pregnant would be required to take antidepressants in order for researchers to evaluate the effects on their babies. However, ethical issues have discouraged studying the negative effects of antidepressants during pregnancy. It’s fair to note that an RCT is not always necessary to presume that a problem exist.

For example, no Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted on cigarettes, yet nearly everyone acknowledges that they cause harm. Regarding pregnant women taking antidepressants, the latest studies suggest that non-drug approaches such as psychotherapy or exercise may serve the mother just as well, or perhaps even better than the antidepressant.

Finally, after years of research, there is little evidence that suggest that the antidepressants are clinically more effective than a placebo. Do you think there is something to be concerned about here? Should doctors recommend other treatments instead of antidepressants for pregnant women suffering from depression?

By: Edward Lake

Increase in Children with Autism

Today on You Be The Judge. The percentage of children with autism has skyrocketed during the past 30 years. Some people blame vaccinations, others say it only seems like autism has increased because we’re more aware of it.

Are Common Drugs Causing Autism

Imagine that you were taking drug X, then imagine that scientist have become curious about the effects of drug X on human health and behavior. They conduct extensive testing on lab animals, and conclude that there seems to be a direct link between the drug and harmful conditions found in a specific segment of the animal population. For instance, pregnant rates.

Next, imagine that you fit into that specific human population segment, and are possibly susceptible to the highly increased risk of the negative effects seen in animals caused by drug X.

Then imagine that there are known alternatives to drug X such as exercise, that have been found to be beneficial and possibly even more beneficial than the drug.

Finally, imagine that studies have shown that a placebo is just as effective as the drug X that you have been taking. How does all of this make you feel about drug X?

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSIRs) Effect on Pregnancy

Now let’s take a look at a real life scenario that goes on today. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSIRs, are often found in antidepressants. These antidepressants are believed to affect serotonin.

Now, in a developing embryo, serotonin plays a critical role in the brain’s development, and many believe that autism is characterized by changes in the serotonin system. Therefore it seemed reasonable that taking these antidepressants during pregnancy might affect developing baby’s brain formation. Regarding these antidepressants, Doctor said, “It really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise, given that numerous animals studies have shown that exposure during development leads to changes in the brain and changes in behavior. Changes that often mimic autism.”

Studies Connecting Autism to Antidepressants

Authors of the mentioned animal studies warned that their findings of harmful effects should concern us when using these drugs on humans. Only two studies have been completed on the links between autism and antidepressants in humans.

The first study, a smaller one, published in 2011, found that children whose mothers took antidepressants are twice as likely to have autism. A study recently published in the British Medical Journal surveyed a much larger group, and it found that the use of antidepressants was associated with a risk of autism three times that of women not taking those drugs. The authors of these studies were cautious with their words as no one has conducted a Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT.

An RCT can most accurately assess causation. Now to conduct an RCT, pregnant would be required to take antidepressants in order for researchers to evaluate the effects on their babies. However, ethical issues have discouraged studying the negative effects of antidepressants during pregnancy. It’s fair to note that an RCT is not always necessary to presume that a problem exist.

For example, no Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted on cigarettes, yet nearly everyone acknowledges that they cause harm. Regarding pregnant women taking antidepressants, the latest studies suggest that non-drug approaches such as psychotherapy or exercise may serve the mother just as well, or perhaps even better than the antidepressant.

Finally, after years of research, there is little evidence that suggest that the antidepressants are clinically more effective than a placebo. Do you think there is something to be concerned about here? Should doctors recommend other treatments instead of antidepressants for pregnant women suffering from depression?

By: Edward Lake

Immediately Seeking Legal Help, Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Seeking Legal Help

You’ve been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma; you and your family are very stressed out, you’re not feeling well, and you want to wait a while before you take on perhaps the stresses of a legal case even though you know you were exposed to asbestos. Let me explain to you why that’s not a good idea.

Some Medical Information

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about mesothelioma and why it’s important to get help right away in seeking justice for your mesothelioma diagnosis. I have next to me an anatomical drawing of a right-sided mesothelioma, and in this diagram we see a lung. The lung parenchyma here is represented by this tissue, and we can see it’s scarred and fibrotic, that’s called asbestosis, an indicator of a lot of asbestos exposure over a long period of time. And this area here, this yellowish-white area, is a malignant mesothelioma tumor.

This tumor grows in a diffuse pattern, and it’s been described as growing sort of like the rind on a grapefruit, and it grows and encases the lungs and causes shortness of breath, and as it grows and gets bigger and thicker a patient has more difficulty breathing; more difficulty expanding their lungs, because their lung are being collapsed by this tumor, which pushes against both the bony ribs, but the bony ribs don’t move, so it pushes against the spongy lung tissue and causes the lungs to contract and causes the patient to not be able to get a full breath, causes the patient to be short of breath.

As mesothelioma progresses, and unfortunately it progresses very, very quickly, over the course of months the mesothelioma tumor can grow outside of the lung and go from a stage 1 tumor to a stage 2, 3, or 4 tumor based upon the spread of the tumor to local and distant sites. And it’s important that mesothelioma is a malignancy that grows quite quickly, so it’s important that even though a person who’s a victim of mesothelioma is feeling quite lousy and is very upset it’s important at the onset, to seek out whatever legal help you’re going to seek.

So that that way qualified, confident people can get to work for you to help you seek justice while you’re strong, while you’re able to memorialize all your exposures to asbestos, while you’re able to discuss all the ways that you think that you were exposed to asbestos.

You have questions about mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams. At our office, we represent mesothelioma victims every day. I invite you to give a call to our office, we’ll answer your questions. Thank you very much.

Seeking Legal Help

You’ve been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma; you and your family are very stressed out, you’re not feeling well, and you want to wait a while before you take on perhaps the stresses of a legal case even though you know you were exposed to asbestos. Let me explain to you why that’s not a good idea.

Some Medical Information

Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I want to talk to you about mesothelioma and why it’s important to get help right away in seeking justice for your mesothelioma diagnosis. I have next to me an anatomical drawing of a right-sided mesothelioma, and in this diagram we see a lung. The lung parenchyma here is represented by this tissue, and we can see it’s scarred and fibrotic, that’s called asbestosis, an indicator of a lot of asbestos exposure over a long period of time. And this area here, this yellowish-white area, is a malignant mesothelioma tumor.

This tumor grows in a diffuse pattern, and it’s been described as growing sort of like the rind on a grapefruit, and it grows and encases the lungs and causes shortness of breath, and as it grows and gets bigger and thicker a patient has more difficulty breathing; more difficulty expanding their lungs, because their lung are being collapsed by this tumor, which pushes against both the bony ribs, but the bony ribs don’t move, so it pushes against the spongy lung tissue and causes the lungs to contract and causes the patient to not be able to get a full breath, causes the patient to be short of breath.

As mesothelioma progresses, and unfortunately it progresses very, very quickly, over the course of months the mesothelioma tumor can grow outside of the lung and go from a stage 1 tumor to a stage 2, 3, or 4 tumor based upon the spread of the tumor to local and distant sites. And it’s important that mesothelioma is a malignancy that grows quite quickly, so it’s important that even though a person who’s a victim of mesothelioma is feeling quite lousy and is very upset it’s important at the onset, to seek out whatever legal help you’re going to seek.

So that that way qualified, confident people can get to work for you to help you seek justice while you’re strong, while you’re able to memorialize all your exposures to asbestos, while you’re able to discuss all the ways that you think that you were exposed to asbestos.

You have questions about mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams. At our office, we represent mesothelioma victims every day. I invite you to give a call to our office, we’ll answer your questions. Thank you very much.

Mesothelioma Claim Versus Mesothelioma Lawsuit | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Mesothelioma Claim Availability

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you want to bring a claim, but you assume that after all these years, the companies that made asbestos products or used asbestos products, they must be out of business. How could you possibly bring your claim?

Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I can give you some information about the asbestos companies and how you can make claims against these companies.

 Bankrupt Companies and Companies In Business

It’s important to recognize that many of the companies that made asbestos products, and many of the companies that used asbestos products, many of them have filed for bankruptcy protection. They’ve gone out of business. Other companies that used asbestos with their products have not gone out of business. They’re viable corporate entities still in business. So, we have bankrupt companies and companies who are in business. It’s important to know that when claims are considered for mesothelioma victim and their family, both avenues must be traveled – claims against companies that are out of business and bankrupt, and claims against companies that are in business and viable.

Making a Claim against Out of Business and In Business Companies

The viable companies, we go after them with a lawsuit, and we bring an action against them based upon the facts and evidence of the individual mesothelioma victim’s case. For the companies that are out of business – companies who made bags of asbestos insulation that was put on pipes, companies that made asbestos gaskets and all kinds of asbestos products – many of them have filed for bankruptcy protection. But, the courts have required them to set up trust funds so that future victims of mesothelioma will be compensated for their exposures to asbestos from that product. It’s a condition of them being able to reorganize their business and stay in business.  A victim of mesothelioma can make claims against the money that was put into trust for that very purpose. It’s important to know that there’s up to 60 trusts that have been established for these bankrupt companies, and those trusts have been funded with up to $30 billion.

 A Lawsuit Versus A Claim

So, a mesothelioma victim can make claims against companies that are in business, through a lawsuit, and that same mesothelioma victim also has the opportunity to make claims against the companies who have gone out of business by making claims to the trust – claims to that $30 billon that’s being held in trust for claimants just like that mesothelioma victim.

You have questions about mesothelioma, about the claims that can be made for a victim of mesothelioma? I’m Joe Williams. At our office, we handle these claims everyday. We help victims of mesothelioma and their families each and every day. Give us a call at our office and we’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

Mesothelioma Claim Availability

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you want to bring a claim, but you assume that after all these years, the companies that made asbestos products or used asbestos products, they must be out of business. How could you possibly bring your claim?

Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I can give you some information about the asbestos companies and how you can make claims against these companies.

 Bankrupt Companies and Companies In Business

It’s important to recognize that many of the companies that made asbestos products, and many of the companies that used asbestos products, many of them have filed for bankruptcy protection. They’ve gone out of business. Other companies that used asbestos with their products have not gone out of business. They’re viable corporate entities still in business. So, we have bankrupt companies and companies who are in business. It’s important to know that when claims are considered for mesothelioma victim and their family, both avenues must be traveled – claims against companies that are out of business and bankrupt, and claims against companies that are in business and viable.

Making a Claim against Out of Business and In Business Companies

The viable companies, we go after them with a lawsuit, and we bring an action against them based upon the facts and evidence of the individual mesothelioma victim’s case. For the companies that are out of business – companies who made bags of asbestos insulation that was put on pipes, companies that made asbestos gaskets and all kinds of asbestos products – many of them have filed for bankruptcy protection. But, the courts have required them to set up trust funds so that future victims of mesothelioma will be compensated for their exposures to asbestos from that product. It’s a condition of them being able to reorganize their business and stay in business.  A victim of mesothelioma can make claims against the money that was put into trust for that very purpose. It’s important to know that there’s up to 60 trusts that have been established for these bankrupt companies, and those trusts have been funded with up to $30 billion.

 A Lawsuit Versus A Claim

So, a mesothelioma victim can make claims against companies that are in business, through a lawsuit, and that same mesothelioma victim also has the opportunity to make claims against the companies who have gone out of business by making claims to the trust – claims to that $30 billon that’s being held in trust for claimants just like that mesothelioma victim.

You have questions about mesothelioma, about the claims that can be made for a victim of mesothelioma? I’m Joe Williams. At our office, we handle these claims everyday. We help victims of mesothelioma and their families each and every day. Give us a call at our office and we’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

Manhattan Workers Vulnerable to Asbestos | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Manhattan Workers Vulnerable to Asbestos

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you worked in Manhattan, in New York City, New York. And you’re wondering, where did you get this disease from? Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I am in New York City, New York.

I have some information for you about asbestos exposure sites in Manhattan. Now, every discussion about asbestos exposure in Manhattan starts with a discussion about building and construction. Here in New York City, the skyscrapers and the Manhattan skyline that we all know so well, were built primarily throughout the course of the last century.

Where The Exposure Came From

The World Trade Center was built in the late ’60s and into the 1970s, and at the time was the largest construction project in the world, creating the tallest buildings in the world at the time. The Brooklyn Navy Yard is just a stone’s throw away across the East River to Brooklyn.

Where ships were constructed and built using all manner of asbestos products. Other famous buildings like the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, as well as lesser known high-rises, multi multi story buildings were constructed during the course of the last century with union tradesmen’s hands, which exposed those workers to asbestos dust.

Large hospitals, perhaps even hospitals that you are being treated at such as Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell, NYU, Columbia Presbyterian. These hospitals are large medical facilities which were built during the course of the past century.

The subway and transit system, has been built and worked on during the course of the last century by union hands. All of this work exposed workers to asbestos. Now you have mesothelioma, and if you worked in New York City, you could have been exposed at these job sites.

We have information about these job sites and about asbestos exposure. I’m Joe Williams, and at our firm we handle cases for mesothelioma victims and their families every day. If you have questions, we can answer those questions. I invite you to look at the number on the screen below, and give us a call. We’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

Manhattan Workers Vulnerable to Asbestos

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you worked in Manhattan, in New York City, New York. And you’re wondering, where did you get this disease from? Hi. I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I am in New York City, New York.

I have some information for you about asbestos exposure sites in Manhattan. Now, every discussion about asbestos exposure in Manhattan starts with a discussion about building and construction. Here in New York City, the skyscrapers and the Manhattan skyline that we all know so well, were built primarily throughout the course of the last century.

Where The Exposure Came From

The World Trade Center was built in the late ’60s and into the 1970s, and at the time was the largest construction project in the world, creating the tallest buildings in the world at the time. The Brooklyn Navy Yard is just a stone’s throw away across the East River to Brooklyn.

Where ships were constructed and built using all manner of asbestos products. Other famous buildings like the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, as well as lesser known high-rises, multi multi story buildings were constructed during the course of the last century with union tradesmen’s hands, which exposed those workers to asbestos dust.

Large hospitals, perhaps even hospitals that you are being treated at such as Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell, NYU, Columbia Presbyterian. These hospitals are large medical facilities which were built during the course of the past century.

The subway and transit system, has been built and worked on during the course of the last century by union hands. All of this work exposed workers to asbestos. Now you have mesothelioma, and if you worked in New York City, you could have been exposed at these job sites.

We have information about these job sites and about asbestos exposure. I’m Joe Williams, and at our firm we handle cases for mesothelioma victims and their families every day. If you have questions, we can answer those questions. I invite you to look at the number on the screen below, and give us a call. We’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

Hip Replacement Complications - Metal on Metal | Sayville Mass Tort

Edward Lake


The Risks of Hip Replacements

Today on You Be The Judge. Are hip implants putting toxic debris in people’s bloodstream? Could a major corporation have hidden its expectation that 37% of its hip replacements would fail? An estimated 500,000 Americans have received metal-on-metal hip replacements for Arthritis, fractures, and other conditions that cause everyday pain. This type of hip implant is called metal-on-metal because both the ball and socket are metal composed of Cobalt, Chromium alloys.

Metal on Metal Hip Replacements

Now let’s stop right there. Imagine two pieces of metal grinding against each other in your body. According to the FDA, this grinding from a metal-on-metal hip implant can release small metallic debris into the body. This lingering debris can raise the body’s toxicity levels, and for one 66-years-old man, this implant raised his body’s levels of Cobalt and Chromium seven times normal.     Testimony was heard in the Los Angeles Superior Court, and this first lawsuit to go to trial involving Johnson & Johnson’s all metal hip replacements.

Johnson & Johnson Hip Replacements

The manufacturer is alleged to have known about defects including the risk of Cobalt and Chromium poisoning due to the metal debris before they even started selling the implants in 2004, but there’s more. A Johnson & Johnson study presented at trial showed that the company itself had estimated the 37% of the devices would fail within five years of implant surgery. 37%, that’s almost 4 in 10.     Stop for a moment and imagine that you yourself needed a hip implant.

First of all, you would be dealing with a great deal of physical pain on a daily basis. You would have a hard time doing ordinary tasks like going to answer a knock at the front door or sweeping the back steps. Your doctor recommends a hip replacement, and after talking it over with your friends and family, you decide to undergo this intensive surgery. Afterward you go through a period of recovery, but it is well worth it because you can now go on with your life living like you are used to, at least for a while.

You begin having problems, and you are told that your hip implant is failing, and you need to be operated on again to remove the hip replacement. Then one day, you find out that the manufacturer had estimated that 37% of their products would fail within five years. Legally, Johnson & Johnson can withhold this kind of information from you, but should they? Should corporations release this kind of information to candidates for major surgeries?

By: Edward Lake

The Risks of Hip Replacements

Today on You Be The Judge. Are hip implants putting toxic debris in people’s bloodstream? Could a major corporation have hidden its expectation that 37% of its hip replacements would fail? An estimated 500,000 Americans have received metal-on-metal hip replacements for Arthritis, fractures, and other conditions that cause everyday pain. This type of hip implant is called metal-on-metal because both the ball and socket are metal composed of Cobalt, Chromium alloys.

Metal on Metal Hip Replacements

Now let’s stop right there. Imagine two pieces of metal grinding against each other in your body. According to the FDA, this grinding from a metal-on-metal hip implant can release small metallic debris into the body. This lingering debris can raise the body’s toxicity levels, and for one 66-years-old man, this implant raised his body’s levels of Cobalt and Chromium seven times normal.     Testimony was heard in the Los Angeles Superior Court, and this first lawsuit to go to trial involving Johnson & Johnson’s all metal hip replacements.

Johnson & Johnson Hip Replacements

The manufacturer is alleged to have known about defects including the risk of Cobalt and Chromium poisoning due to the metal debris before they even started selling the implants in 2004, but there’s more. A Johnson & Johnson study presented at trial showed that the company itself had estimated the 37% of the devices would fail within five years of implant surgery. 37%, that’s almost 4 in 10.     Stop for a moment and imagine that you yourself needed a hip implant.

First of all, you would be dealing with a great deal of physical pain on a daily basis. You would have a hard time doing ordinary tasks like going to answer a knock at the front door or sweeping the back steps. Your doctor recommends a hip replacement, and after talking it over with your friends and family, you decide to undergo this intensive surgery. Afterward you go through a period of recovery, but it is well worth it because you can now go on with your life living like you are used to, at least for a while.

You begin having problems, and you are told that your hip implant is failing, and you need to be operated on again to remove the hip replacement. Then one day, you find out that the manufacturer had estimated that 37% of their products would fail within five years. Legally, Johnson & Johnson can withhold this kind of information from you, but should they? Should corporations release this kind of information to candidates for major surgeries?

By: Edward Lake

Reasons For Trucking Accidents | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


How Do Trucking Accidents Happen

Trucking accidents are typically a result of negligent driving, manufacturing defects, or improper maintenance of a truck. Injury form truck accidents can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. You need an attorney that knows the rules and manufacturing standards when it comes to the trucking industry to ensure that you collect the damages you’re entitled to.

Being seriously injured in a trucking accident can be a very overwhelming process. Contact me

How Do Trucking Accidents Happen

Trucking accidents are typically a result of negligent driving, manufacturing defects, or improper maintenance of a truck. Injury form truck accidents can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. You need an attorney that knows the rules and manufacturing standards when it comes to the trucking industry to ensure that you collect the damages you’re entitled to.

Being seriously injured in a trucking accident can be a very overwhelming process. Contact me

Bronx Workers Diagnosed with Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Bronx Workers Exposed to Asbestos

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you work in the Bronx, and you’re wondering, where’d you get this disease from? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I can give you some information about a asbestos exposure that occurred to workers who worked in The Bronx. We know that the Bronx is a heavily populated borrow during the last century. The Bronx was build-up to become one of the most densely populated borrows in the metropolitan area. And that happened through building, union tradesmen and craftsmen building apartment houses and dwellings throughout The Bronx. Building large/multi story apartment buildings, and that involved work a asbestos products, asbestos insulation, joint compound, floor tile, roofing, refractory, bricks, these union tradesmen were exposed to asbestos in hundreds and thousands of buildings as The Bronx was built. We also know that The Bronx is home to at least one Con-Edison Powerhouse Hellgate, and that powerhouse is filled with asbestos components, including asbestos insulation, which expose the workers who worked at that facility. We also know that The Bronx is home to large medical facilities such as Albert Einstein Cancer Center in the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital, and Jacobi Medical Center, and perhaps maybe even you were treated at any of these locations. But it’s also important to remember that these buildings were built by craftsmen’s hands, and those men and women were exposed with asbestos during the building of these facilities.


You’ve been diagnose with mesothelioma, and I’m sure you have questions about mesothelioma, and about asbestos exposure, and how you contract to these disease. Well, I’m Joe Williams, in our law firm we answer questions for mesothelioma victims and their families everyday. And we certainly can talk about to you about the Bronx, and about the various ways that workers were exposed to asbestos in The Bronx. I invite you to call the number on your screen bellow and we’ll talk to you about your questions and answer your questions. Thanks.

Bronx Workers Exposed to Asbestos

You’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you work in the Bronx, and you’re wondering, where’d you get this disease from? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney, and I can give you some information about a asbestos exposure that occurred to workers who worked in The Bronx. We know that the Bronx is a heavily populated borrow during the last century. The Bronx was build-up to become one of the most densely populated borrows in the metropolitan area. And that happened through building, union tradesmen and craftsmen building apartment houses and dwellings throughout The Bronx. Building large/multi story apartment buildings, and that involved work a asbestos products, asbestos insulation, joint compound, floor tile, roofing, refractory, bricks, these union tradesmen were exposed to asbestos in hundreds and thousands of buildings as The Bronx was built. We also know that The Bronx is home to at least one Con-Edison Powerhouse Hellgate, and that powerhouse is filled with asbestos components, including asbestos insulation, which expose the workers who worked at that facility. We also know that The Bronx is home to large medical facilities such as Albert Einstein Cancer Center in the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital, and Jacobi Medical Center, and perhaps maybe even you were treated at any of these locations. But it’s also important to remember that these buildings were built by craftsmen’s hands, and those men and women were exposed with asbestos during the building of these facilities.


You’ve been diagnose with mesothelioma, and I’m sure you have questions about mesothelioma, and about asbestos exposure, and how you contract to these disease. Well, I’m Joe Williams, in our law firm we answer questions for mesothelioma victims and their families everyday. And we certainly can talk about to you about the Bronx, and about the various ways that workers were exposed to asbestos in The Bronx. I invite you to call the number on your screen bellow and we’ll talk to you about your questions and answer your questions. Thanks.

Insurance Attorney | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


No-Fault Law

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident in New York, you need to know that under the no-fault law, there are reporting requirements that are essential to your claim being paid. First, you should know under the no-fault law, your own insurance company is going to be paying the bills for your treatment and your wage loss, not the other car’s insurance company. You need to report the accident promptly and your doctors who treat you have to submit their bills in a timely manner; otherwise, those bills won’t be paid. I can help you with your insurance questions when you’re involved in a car accident.

No-Fault Law

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident in New York, you need to know that under the no-fault law, there are reporting requirements that are essential to your claim being paid. First, you should know under the no-fault law, your own insurance company is going to be paying the bills for your treatment and your wage loss, not the other car’s insurance company. You need to report the accident promptly and your doctors who treat you have to submit their bills in a timely manner; otherwise, those bills won’t be paid. I can help you with your insurance questions when you’re involved in a car accident.

Car Accident Attorney | Ira Maurer Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


 Car Accident Attorney

When you’re in a car accident, there are many parties involved sometimes. There is the insurance company to deal with, the police department, your doctors. You need to have an experienced lawyer to help you work through your case who has your best interests in mind. Hire the Moore Law Firm. We have the experience and the resources to guide you through the process, and enable you to have piece of mind.

 Car Accident Attorney

When you’re in a car accident, there are many parties involved sometimes. There is the insurance company to deal with, the police department, your doctors. You need to have an experienced lawyer to help you work through your case who has your best interests in mind. Hire the Moore Law Firm. We have the experience and the resources to guide you through the process, and enable you to have piece of mind.

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