New York Personal Injury Laws

Two Separate Court Systems | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Two Different Judicial Systems

Here in the United States, we have two separate and distinct judicial systems. Each state has its own court system, and the US Government has its own federal court system. An experienced attorney is going to know exactly whether or not your case belongs in state or federal court. At the Maurer Law Firm, we will be able to evaluate your case and tell you what’s in your best interest. If you have questions about where your case needs to be brought, call the Maurer Law Firm. I’ll be able to tell you exactly whether or not your case should be in state or federal court.

Two Different Judicial Systems

Here in the United States, we have two separate and distinct judicial systems. Each state has its own court system, and the US Government has its own federal court system. An experienced attorney is going to know exactly whether or not your case belongs in state or federal court. At the Maurer Law Firm, we will be able to evaluate your case and tell you what’s in your best interest. If you have questions about where your case needs to be brought, call the Maurer Law Firm. I’ll be able to tell you exactly whether or not your case should be in state or federal court.

Shipyard Workers Diagnosed With Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Shipyard Workers Exposed to Asbestos

You worked in shipyards, and now you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’re wondering what caused your mesothelioma. Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney here in New York City, and I can answer your questions. We know that shipyards were filled with asbestos. Shipyards such as here in New York are good examples– the Brooklyn Naval Yard. The Brooklyn Naval Yard, that’s where the ships were built during World War II and thereafter, and they were worked on, serviced, built from the ground up, as well, in that yard. There’s also private shipyards that are not naval yards, where non-naval ships were worked on, both built, constructed, maintained, and repaired. Whether it was the building of a new ship, or the repairing of an existing one, the work was the same, and it involved working with asbestos products, such as insulation, insulation on steam pipes, insulation on equipment such as large boilers on these ships, asbestos blankets, which were put on turbines on these ships. Asbestos gaskets were cut and fabricated at these shipyards to use on these pipes, on the steam pipes, on the hot water pipes on these ships, and that’s something that happened often, almost every day, at a shipyard. Bags of asbestos cement, high temperature asbestos cement, as well, would be used and mixed with water, and applied to the piping, the equipment, and the machinery on these ships, and at these shipyards. So, there are a multitude of exposures to asbestos that a shipyard worker would have. I’m sure you have more questions about how shipyard workers were exposed to asbestos. Well, we can answer those questions. I’m Joe Williams. I invite you to call the number below. We’ll answer your questions. We help mesothelioma victims every day. We’ll answer your questions. Thank you for watching.

Shipyard Workers Exposed to Asbestos

You worked in shipyards, and now you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, and you’re wondering what caused your mesothelioma. Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney here in New York City, and I can answer your questions. We know that shipyards were filled with asbestos. Shipyards such as here in New York are good examples– the Brooklyn Naval Yard. The Brooklyn Naval Yard, that’s where the ships were built during World War II and thereafter, and they were worked on, serviced, built from the ground up, as well, in that yard. There’s also private shipyards that are not naval yards, where non-naval ships were worked on, both built, constructed, maintained, and repaired. Whether it was the building of a new ship, or the repairing of an existing one, the work was the same, and it involved working with asbestos products, such as insulation, insulation on steam pipes, insulation on equipment such as large boilers on these ships, asbestos blankets, which were put on turbines on these ships. Asbestos gaskets were cut and fabricated at these shipyards to use on these pipes, on the steam pipes, on the hot water pipes on these ships, and that’s something that happened often, almost every day, at a shipyard. Bags of asbestos cement, high temperature asbestos cement, as well, would be used and mixed with water, and applied to the piping, the equipment, and the machinery on these ships, and at these shipyards. So, there are a multitude of exposures to asbestos that a shipyard worker would have. I’m sure you have more questions about how shipyard workers were exposed to asbestos. Well, we can answer those questions. I’m Joe Williams. I invite you to call the number below. We’ll answer your questions. We help mesothelioma victims every day. We’ll answer your questions. Thank you for watching.

Different Types of Personal Injuries | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Types of Injuries

At the Maurer Law Firm, I’ve had clients who’ve come to me as a result of many different types of injuries. They may have been injured in a car accident. They may have fallen at work. They may have been a victim of medical malpractice. Whatever the cause, they all have something in common – their lives have been turned upside down. They don’t know what’s going to happen next. They don’t know if they’ll ever return to work, or if they’ll be able to make their mortgage payments. These are serious issues that are taken very seriously here at the Maurer Law Firm.

The litigation process can be complex and overwhelming. My experience and dedication to your case will help educate you on the process

Types of Injuries

At the Maurer Law Firm, I’ve had clients who’ve come to me as a result of many different types of injuries. They may have been injured in a car accident. They may have fallen at work. They may have been a victim of medical malpractice. Whatever the cause, they all have something in common – their lives have been turned upside down. They don’t know what’s going to happen next. They don’t know if they’ll ever return to work, or if they’ll be able to make their mortgage payments. These are serious issues that are taken very seriously here at the Maurer Law Firm.

The litigation process can be complex and overwhelming. My experience and dedication to your case will help educate you on the process

Railroad Passengers Injured In Several Ways | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


Passengers Injured A Number Of Ways

People can be injured in a variety of ways when traveling by train. Passengers are injured by slipping and falling, stepping in the gap between the train and platform, or having a door closed on them as they enter or exit the train. Passenger injuries on trains can include broken bones, torn ligaments, spine injuries, shoulder injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries. Sometimes, the full nature and extent of these injuries is not revealed for a long period of time.

 What To Do Immediately After

If you or a loved one has been injured on a train, you need to immediately seek medical treatment and contact an experienced railroad lawyer who is familiar with all of the federal laws and regulations that apply to the railroad industry. For a free consultation, contact me, Ira Maurer, for more information on how we can help you obtain all of the compensation you deserve.

Passengers Injured A Number Of Ways

People can be injured in a variety of ways when traveling by train. Passengers are injured by slipping and falling, stepping in the gap between the train and platform, or having a door closed on them as they enter or exit the train. Passenger injuries on trains can include broken bones, torn ligaments, spine injuries, shoulder injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries. Sometimes, the full nature and extent of these injuries is not revealed for a long period of time.

 What To Do Immediately After

If you or a loved one has been injured on a train, you need to immediately seek medical treatment and contact an experienced railroad lawyer who is familiar with all of the federal laws and regulations that apply to the railroad industry. For a free consultation, contact me, Ira Maurer, for more information on how we can help you obtain all of the compensation you deserve.

Mesothelioma Medical Bills Recovery | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


Recovering Medical Bills

Can a victim of Mesothelioma recover the medical bills that they incurred through their legal case? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I Mesothelioma trial attorney in New York City, and I can tell you that the answer to this question is definitely, yes. In every case I’ve ever handled, in all the years I’ve been representing Mesothelioma victims, every victim and their family stresses to me the stress that they have over the large amount of medical bills that they are incurring.

 Making A Claim for Medical Bills

I can tell you, just like I tell every one of them, that in every Mesothelioma case we assert a claim in the case for the repayment of the medical bills. What that means is that we bring a lawsuit against the companies who exposed our clients to asbestos. As part of that lawsuit, one of the claims that we make is that our client has incurred significant medical bills, and that those companies should have to pay those bills, because they caused them to contract this unfortunate cancer.

Breaking Down The Medical Expenses

These bills can be extensive. A Mesothelioma victim’s treatment can include surgery or multiple surgeries. It can include chemotherapy, multiple rounds of chemotherapy. It can also include radiation, as well as well as numerous office visits.

All these things are obviously very expensive, and the bills can really add up, adding stress to an already stressful situation. I can tell you that as part of the legal case, we seek to recover payment of these bills from the companies we bring the case against.

 Further Questions and Concerns, Contact Us

Now, I’m sure you have many other questions about how medical bills are taken care of as part of a legal case. I can answer those questions. I’m Joe Williams, and in our firm we handle these cases every day. We represent Mesothelioma victims every day.

I encourage you to call the number on your screen below, that’s my office number, and we’ll answer your questions. Thanks so much for watching.

Recovering Medical Bills

Can a victim of Mesothelioma recover the medical bills that they incurred through their legal case? Hi, I’m Joe Williams. I Mesothelioma trial attorney in New York City, and I can tell you that the answer to this question is definitely, yes. In every case I’ve ever handled, in all the years I’ve been representing Mesothelioma victims, every victim and their family stresses to me the stress that they have over the large amount of medical bills that they are incurring.

 Making A Claim for Medical Bills

I can tell you, just like I tell every one of them, that in every Mesothelioma case we assert a claim in the case for the repayment of the medical bills. What that means is that we bring a lawsuit against the companies who exposed our clients to asbestos. As part of that lawsuit, one of the claims that we make is that our client has incurred significant medical bills, and that those companies should have to pay those bills, because they caused them to contract this unfortunate cancer.

Breaking Down The Medical Expenses

These bills can be extensive. A Mesothelioma victim’s treatment can include surgery or multiple surgeries. It can include chemotherapy, multiple rounds of chemotherapy. It can also include radiation, as well as well as numerous office visits.

All these things are obviously very expensive, and the bills can really add up, adding stress to an already stressful situation. I can tell you that as part of the legal case, we seek to recover payment of these bills from the companies we bring the case against.

 Further Questions and Concerns, Contact Us

Now, I’m sure you have many other questions about how medical bills are taken care of as part of a legal case. I can answer those questions. I’m Joe Williams, and in our firm we handle these cases every day. We represent Mesothelioma victims every day.

I encourage you to call the number on your screen below, that’s my office number, and we’ll answer your questions. Thanks so much for watching.

Specialists Treating Mesothelioma | New York City Personal Injury

Joseph Williams


 Steps Specialists Take While Treating Mesothelioma

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma. So what types of doctors treat patients with mesothelioma? Hi, I’m Joe Williams I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney. I want to talk to you about some of the doctors that see mesothelioma victims. Initially, when a mesothelioma patient first presents with the signs or the symptoms of mesothelioma they see their family doctor, their intrest, their primary care doctor. That’s when a patient is talking about general weakness, malaise, maybe they’ve lost weight, maybe they’ve lost a lot of weight, they have shortness of breath. They walked up two flights of stairs and boy they’re huffing and puffing. They normally walk down the block a couple of blocks to get the newspaper every morning but now that’s a little but more difficult than usual. They go in to see their primary care doctor and explain. The doctor says let’s take an X-ray, let’s do some test. Let me send you on to a specialist. Now, usually after the primary care doctor the next doctor that a mesothelioma patient will see is a lung doctor, a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist is a specialist who deals with issues related to the lungs. So the pulmonologist is a doctor who’s probably seen mesothelioma patients before and can understand those signs and symptoms with a little bit more detail and can order some different tests. Things like a PET scan or perhaps based on the presentation of the tumor in the chest from PET scans or CAT scans or even from X-Rays the pulmonologist will refer the patient on to a surgeon. This surgeon is tasked with the job of finding out definitively what this is that is in this patient’s chest. They do that usually through a biopsy, a tissue biopsy that’s either done through a needle biopsy or through a surgical biopsy intraoperatively, often done with either a minimally invasive procedure called a video assisted thoracoscopy sometimes referred to as a VATS. Or if there’s difficulty locating the tumor there’s another procedure which is a more open procedure and that procedure is called a thoracotomy. But either way the area where the tumor is visualized is biopsied by the surgeon and that tissue is sent to a pathology lab to get a definitive diagnosis of what it is that’s growing in this patient’s chest. Now, once a diagnosis is made pathologically by a pathologist looking through a microscope at a slide at the cells and determining based upon different standing that can be done. That this is in fact malignant mesothelioma that it’s in this patient’s chest. Once that’s decided and determined then the decisions are, “What are we going to do for this patient?” There’s surgical options and that’s where the surgeon continues to play a role. There’s chemotherapy and radiation options. Now, chemotherapy is administered by an oncologist. So that surgeon would refer the patient to a caner specialist. An oncologist who would then consult with and evaluate the patient and their medical records and all their signs and symptoms and make decisions as to what type of drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy drugs can be administered to this patient to reduce the size of the tumor. Or perhaps to debulk it or reduce the size of the tumor in anticipation of a future surgery. Or if the tumor is advanced to just control or reduce the size of the tumor for palliative care, to reduce the symptoms or the pain response that a patient’s having. All of these doctors work together and coordinate with each other to assist a mesothelioma patient as they go through a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Now why am I telling you call this? I’m telling you because you have questions about mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams, I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney and we deal with issues related to mesothelioma each and everyday. We represent patients and their families as they struggle through a diagnosis of mesothelioma. If you have questions I invite you to call our office and we’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

 Steps Specialists Take While Treating Mesothelioma

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma. So what types of doctors treat patients with mesothelioma? Hi, I’m Joe Williams I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney. I want to talk to you about some of the doctors that see mesothelioma victims. Initially, when a mesothelioma patient first presents with the signs or the symptoms of mesothelioma they see their family doctor, their intrest, their primary care doctor. That’s when a patient is talking about general weakness, malaise, maybe they’ve lost weight, maybe they’ve lost a lot of weight, they have shortness of breath. They walked up two flights of stairs and boy they’re huffing and puffing. They normally walk down the block a couple of blocks to get the newspaper every morning but now that’s a little but more difficult than usual. They go in to see their primary care doctor and explain. The doctor says let’s take an X-ray, let’s do some test. Let me send you on to a specialist. Now, usually after the primary care doctor the next doctor that a mesothelioma patient will see is a lung doctor, a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist is a specialist who deals with issues related to the lungs. So the pulmonologist is a doctor who’s probably seen mesothelioma patients before and can understand those signs and symptoms with a little bit more detail and can order some different tests. Things like a PET scan or perhaps based on the presentation of the tumor in the chest from PET scans or CAT scans or even from X-Rays the pulmonologist will refer the patient on to a surgeon. This surgeon is tasked with the job of finding out definitively what this is that is in this patient’s chest. They do that usually through a biopsy, a tissue biopsy that’s either done through a needle biopsy or through a surgical biopsy intraoperatively, often done with either a minimally invasive procedure called a video assisted thoracoscopy sometimes referred to as a VATS. Or if there’s difficulty locating the tumor there’s another procedure which is a more open procedure and that procedure is called a thoracotomy. But either way the area where the tumor is visualized is biopsied by the surgeon and that tissue is sent to a pathology lab to get a definitive diagnosis of what it is that’s growing in this patient’s chest. Now, once a diagnosis is made pathologically by a pathologist looking through a microscope at a slide at the cells and determining based upon different standing that can be done. That this is in fact malignant mesothelioma that it’s in this patient’s chest. Once that’s decided and determined then the decisions are, “What are we going to do for this patient?” There’s surgical options and that’s where the surgeon continues to play a role. There’s chemotherapy and radiation options. Now, chemotherapy is administered by an oncologist. So that surgeon would refer the patient to a caner specialist. An oncologist who would then consult with and evaluate the patient and their medical records and all their signs and symptoms and make decisions as to what type of drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy drugs can be administered to this patient to reduce the size of the tumor. Or perhaps to debulk it or reduce the size of the tumor in anticipation of a future surgery. Or if the tumor is advanced to just control or reduce the size of the tumor for palliative care, to reduce the symptoms or the pain response that a patient’s having. All of these doctors work together and coordinate with each other to assist a mesothelioma patient as they go through a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Now why am I telling you call this? I’m telling you because you have questions about mesothelioma. I’m Joe Williams, I’m a mesothelioma trial attorney and we deal with issues related to mesothelioma each and everyday. We represent patients and their families as they struggle through a diagnosis of mesothelioma. If you have questions I invite you to call our office and we’ll answer your questions. Thank you.

Risk of Medication Cymbalta | Sayville Personal Injury

Steven Gacovino


Struggling With Depression

When you’re struggling A, it’s hard. It’s hard to do just about anything. People who don’t understand will say, “Just exercise,” or, “Be positive.” They don’t get it. A lot of TV ads say here’s a drug to fix your depression. Your doctor says the medication will work wonders, so you take their word. And you know what? Sometimes, it really does help you feel a lot better. You might have more energy, more motivation to do the things you love, to be with the people you want to be with. But as time goes by, maybe you suffer side effects. Maybe you just don’t think the pill is necessary.

Whatever the reason is, you decide to stop taking the drug. No problem, right? But, there is a problem. Antidepressants like Cymbalta carry a warning that reads, “Never stop an antidepressant medicine without first talking to a health care provider. Stopping an antidepressant medicine suddenly can cause other symptoms.” But the warning doesn’t explain what kinds of symptoms, how severe they might be, how to taper the dose or what a patient should do if depression or other symptoms recur. Is it really that dangerous to stop taking Cymbalta? Just ask the thousands who suffer withdrawal symptoms.

Drug manufacturer, Eli Lilly, ran multiple clinical trials on Cymbalta prior to releasing the drug on the market. They found that roughly 44% of patients experience withdrawal symptoms. In a strangely worded label, they stated that more than 1% of patients experienced severe withdrawal symptoms – a gross understatement. In another trial of more than 1,200 users, approximately 51% of patients experienced withdrawal symptoms. Dr.Joseph Glenmullen, Harvard clinical instructor in psychiatry and author of The Antidepressant Solution points out that the actual risk is more likely to fall in the range of 66% to 78%, given the drug’s half-life.

When a person takes an antidepressant, the body develops a certain dependence on it over time. Then, when the person stops taking the drug, the body reacts because it misses the chemicals in the drug. Half-life refers to the time the body takes to reduce the drug’s presence by half. Cymbalta’s half-life is extremely short, about 12 hours. When a user stops taking Cymbalta, the sudden absence of the chemical can result in immediate and often severe withdrawal symptoms. Share this video with your friends and family to raise awareness of the dangers of discontinuing use of Cymbalta.


Free Consultation

Millions of Americans take antidepressants. Please warn your loved ones of the serious withdrawal side effects. Share this video today to spread an awareness of the consequences of Cymbalta’s half-life. Have you suffered severe withdrawal side effects after taking Cymbalta? Talk to one of our professionals today at 888-LAW-8500. Our legal team has served over 20,000 victims across the country. You do not pay to consult with us, and if we end up working for you, we will get paid only if and when you do. Call today for a free consultation, at 888-LAW-8500. That’s 888-529-8500. And visit us online at

By: Dan Cogdell

Struggling With Depression

When you’re struggling A, it’s hard. It’s hard to do just about anything. People who don’t understand will say, “Just exercise,” or, “Be positive.” They don’t get it. A lot of TV ads say here’s a drug to fix your depression. Your doctor says the medication will work wonders, so you take their word. And you know what? Sometimes, it really does help you feel a lot better. You might have more energy, more motivation to do the things you love, to be with the people you want to be with. But as time goes by, maybe you suffer side effects. Maybe you just don’t think the pill is necessary.

Whatever the reason is, you decide to stop taking the drug. No problem, right? But, there is a problem. Antidepressants like Cymbalta carry a warning that reads, “Never stop an antidepressant medicine without first talking to a health care provider. Stopping an antidepressant medicine suddenly can cause other symptoms.” But the warning doesn’t explain what kinds of symptoms, how severe they might be, how to taper the dose or what a patient should do if depression or other symptoms recur. Is it really that dangerous to stop taking Cymbalta? Just ask the thousands who suffer withdrawal symptoms.

Drug manufacturer, Eli Lilly, ran multiple clinical trials on Cymbalta prior to releasing the drug on the market. They found that roughly 44% of patients experience withdrawal symptoms. In a strangely worded label, they stated that more than 1% of patients experienced severe withdrawal symptoms – a gross understatement. In another trial of more than 1,200 users, approximately 51% of patients experienced withdrawal symptoms. Dr.Joseph Glenmullen, Harvard clinical instructor in psychiatry and author of The Antidepressant Solution points out that the actual risk is more likely to fall in the range of 66% to 78%, given the drug’s half-life.

When a person takes an antidepressant, the body develops a certain dependence on it over time. Then, when the person stops taking the drug, the body reacts because it misses the chemicals in the drug. Half-life refers to the time the body takes to reduce the drug’s presence by half. Cymbalta’s half-life is extremely short, about 12 hours. When a user stops taking Cymbalta, the sudden absence of the chemical can result in immediate and often severe withdrawal symptoms. Share this video with your friends and family to raise awareness of the dangers of discontinuing use of Cymbalta.


Free Consultation

Millions of Americans take antidepressants. Please warn your loved ones of the serious withdrawal side effects. Share this video today to spread an awareness of the consequences of Cymbalta’s half-life. Have you suffered severe withdrawal side effects after taking Cymbalta? Talk to one of our professionals today at 888-LAW-8500. Our legal team has served over 20,000 victims across the country. You do not pay to consult with us, and if we end up working for you, we will get paid only if and when you do. Call today for a free consultation, at 888-LAW-8500. That’s 888-529-8500. And visit us online at

By: Dan Cogdell

Risk & Litigation Involving Transvaginal Mesh | Sayville

Steven Gacovino


Cases Involving Transvaginal Mesh

When you go to a doctor, you usually assume the solutions they recommend won’t hurt you, and if there are risks you expect them to tell you so. But no matter how well-intentioned medical professionals are, the safety of their recommendations depends on the source of their information. Consider cases involving the transvaginal mesh patch.

When this medical implant came on the market it was celebrated as a solution to pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence in women. As with all such products, much of the marketing targeted doctors. Manufacturers showed the research they conducted and recommended this new device as a quality solution for the doctors’ patients. Doctors studied the information they were given and did their best to understand the risks and benefits, but when a device is first put on the market little is actually known about it. Going off of what information they’ve been given, doctors concluded whether they believe this product would be good for their patients.

What Manufactures Do Not Tell Consumers

Manufacturers of such products are expected to disclose the related risks, but sometimes manufacturers haven’t conducted enough research to know all the risks and other times they simply hide some of what they do know leaving doctors and patients with only part of the story. The transvaginal mesh patch turned out to be a product with many problems. Six women have already taken these companies to court and the juries have found in favor of the women.

In fact, juries have been so disgusted that they have ordered these big corporations to pay penalties. Because of this implant women have suffered the following problems: mesh erosion; when the mesh erodes and protrudes through the vaginal wall, organ perforation; when the mesh erodes and cuts other organs such as the bladder, extreme pain, POP or SCOI recurrence, urinary problems, scarring of the vagina, infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and pain associated with sex. Many women have undergone multiple surgeries, sometimes more than a dozen follow-up surgeries because of the pain and damage caused by the implants.

Endo & Ethicon Litigation

One manufacturer, Endo, has already begun the settlement process with many thousands of patients. Another manufacturer, Ethicon, has already settled a case of their own. All cases like this have a limited timeline for filing complaints so victims can be compensated. We don’t know the exact timeline, but with Endo wrapping things up with victims of their implant we can only recommend that you move quickly to ensure that your case is positioned for the best possible result. We know this is a personal topic and can be difficult to talk about.

If you’ve been injured by the transvaginal mesh patch, we invite you to call us. Our team is here for you. We do care about you and we want to help you determine whether you can be compensated for your losses, and you don’t need to worry about any fees. If we take a case on your behalf we will only get paid if and when you do. Call today for a free consultation at 888-LAW-8500. That’s 888-529-8500.

By: Steven Gacovino

Cases Involving Transvaginal Mesh

When you go to a doctor, you usually assume the solutions they recommend won’t hurt you, and if there are risks you expect them to tell you so. But no matter how well-intentioned medical professionals are, the safety of their recommendations depends on the source of their information. Consider cases involving the transvaginal mesh patch.

When this medical implant came on the market it was celebrated as a solution to pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence in women. As with all such products, much of the marketing targeted doctors. Manufacturers showed the research they conducted and recommended this new device as a quality solution for the doctors’ patients. Doctors studied the information they were given and did their best to understand the risks and benefits, but when a device is first put on the market little is actually known about it. Going off of what information they’ve been given, doctors concluded whether they believe this product would be good for their patients.

What Manufactures Do Not Tell Consumers

Manufacturers of such products are expected to disclose the related risks, but sometimes manufacturers haven’t conducted enough research to know all the risks and other times they simply hide some of what they do know leaving doctors and patients with only part of the story. The transvaginal mesh patch turned out to be a product with many problems. Six women have already taken these companies to court and the juries have found in favor of the women.

In fact, juries have been so disgusted that they have ordered these big corporations to pay penalties. Because of this implant women have suffered the following problems: mesh erosion; when the mesh erodes and protrudes through the vaginal wall, organ perforation; when the mesh erodes and cuts other organs such as the bladder, extreme pain, POP or SCOI recurrence, urinary problems, scarring of the vagina, infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and pain associated with sex. Many women have undergone multiple surgeries, sometimes more than a dozen follow-up surgeries because of the pain and damage caused by the implants.

Endo & Ethicon Litigation

One manufacturer, Endo, has already begun the settlement process with many thousands of patients. Another manufacturer, Ethicon, has already settled a case of their own. All cases like this have a limited timeline for filing complaints so victims can be compensated. We don’t know the exact timeline, but with Endo wrapping things up with victims of their implant we can only recommend that you move quickly to ensure that your case is positioned for the best possible result. We know this is a personal topic and can be difficult to talk about.

If you’ve been injured by the transvaginal mesh patch, we invite you to call us. Our team is here for you. We do care about you and we want to help you determine whether you can be compensated for your losses, and you don’t need to worry about any fees. If we take a case on your behalf we will only get paid if and when you do. Call today for a free consultation at 888-LAW-8500. That’s 888-529-8500.

By: Steven Gacovino

Immediately After A Car Accident | Yonkers Personal Injury

Ira Maurer


What to on Scene After a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, you need to exchange information with the other party at the scene, give a detailed accurate statement to the police, and notify your insurance company right away. It’s important that you document the accident clearly and concisely.

Contact the Morrow Law Firm on more information on what to do if you’ve been involved in an auto accident.

What to on Scene After a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, you need to exchange information with the other party at the scene, give a detailed accurate statement to the police, and notify your insurance company right away. It’s important that you document the accident clearly and concisely.

Contact the Morrow Law Firm on more information on what to do if you’ve been involved in an auto accident.

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