Arizona Personal Injury Laws

The Differences Between Slip & Fall and Other Personal Injury Cases | Arizona

Mark Raczkowski


My name is Mark Raczkowski. I’m an attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC in Phoenix, Arizona. The biggest difference between slip and fall cases and other personal injury cases is that most of the time the defendants deny that they’re responsible for your injuries. As a result you have to sue them in order to get the compensation you deserve. My office has spent more than (25) years focusing on slip and fall/trip and fall cases. So we’re prepared to sue defendants if necessary in order to get the compensation that you deserve. It means we’re able– we’re willing to put in the time and the effort that it will take to prosecute the case and to achieve a satisfactory result for you. If you’ve suffered a serious injury as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall accident, contact me through my website at

By: Mark Raczkowski

My name is Mark Raczkowski. I’m an attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC in Phoenix, Arizona. The biggest difference between slip and fall cases and other personal injury cases is that most of the time the defendants deny that they’re responsible for your injuries. As a result you have to sue them in order to get the compensation you deserve. My office has spent more than (25) years focusing on slip and fall/trip and fall cases. So we’re prepared to sue defendants if necessary in order to get the compensation that you deserve. It means we’re able– we’re willing to put in the time and the effort that it will take to prosecute the case and to achieve a satisfactory result for you. If you’ve suffered a serious injury as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall accident, contact me through my website at

By: Mark Raczkowski

How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Last in Arizona | Phoenix

Jess Lorona


Personal Injury Case Process in Phoenix

A personal injury case can take anywhere from six months to two, or several years or more to resolve. Different factors can affect his time period. Most important is the medical treatment you receive for your injuries. Many people have to undergo physical therapy, chiropractic or other treatment following an injury. More serious injuries may begin with a period of conservative care and move to other types of treatment including surgery. Neither our firm or the insurance company can place a value on your injuries until you have finished your course of treatment. When your treatment has completed, we will obtain all necessary reports and forward them to the insurance carrier for the negligent party. Settlement negotiations then may begin. If the case cannot settle, a lawsuit may need to be filed. Most cases resolve without trial, although there may be cases that because of the nature of the accident, the case may proceed to trial.

If you would like to know how long your personal injury case might last, please contact my law firm.

By: Jess Lorona

Personal Injury Case Process in Phoenix

A personal injury case can take anywhere from six months to two, or several years or more to resolve. Different factors can affect his time period. Most important is the medical treatment you receive for your injuries. Many people have to undergo physical therapy, chiropractic or other treatment following an injury. More serious injuries may begin with a period of conservative care and move to other types of treatment including surgery. Neither our firm or the insurance company can place a value on your injuries until you have finished your course of treatment. When your treatment has completed, we will obtain all necessary reports and forward them to the insurance carrier for the negligent party. Settlement negotiations then may begin. If the case cannot settle, a lawsuit may need to be filed. Most cases resolve without trial, although there may be cases that because of the nature of the accident, the case may proceed to trial.

If you would like to know how long your personal injury case might last, please contact my law firm.

By: Jess Lorona

Can I Receive a Settlement After Experiencing a Bicycle Accident | Phoenix Personal Injury

David Wattel


Bicycle Accidents in Phoenix

I’m a bicycle enthusiast. I know how unsafe the roads are for bicyclers. You’re riding along, the car ahead of you is stopped, looks off one direction, doesn’t look back your way. You got trouble. You’ve now just been run over. Happens all the time. I represented a lady not to long ago with an accident just like that. I got her more than a million dollars. Now she was deserving of every penny, because her injuries were significant and severe.

Insurance Companies

A lot of times insurance companies want to blame you because you’re on the bicycle. Well you know what, a lot of times they’re wrong, and they may just be saying that because they’re hoping you go away.

Wattel & York

Well, you give us a call, and let us evaluate the liability on that claim, and who’s really responsible. Often times, it’s not you, the bicyclist. We’ll help you get your medical care and thereafter, we’ll make sure that insurance company pays you what you’re due. Either voluntarily, or if necessary, to litigate.

By: David Wattel

Bicycle Accidents in Phoenix

I’m a bicycle enthusiast. I know how unsafe the roads are for bicyclers. You’re riding along, the car ahead of you is stopped, looks off one direction, doesn’t look back your way. You got trouble. You’ve now just been run over. Happens all the time. I represented a lady not to long ago with an accident just like that. I got her more than a million dollars. Now she was deserving of every penny, because her injuries were significant and severe.

Insurance Companies

A lot of times insurance companies want to blame you because you’re on the bicycle. Well you know what, a lot of times they’re wrong, and they may just be saying that because they’re hoping you go away.

Wattel & York

Well, you give us a call, and let us evaluate the liability on that claim, and who’s really responsible. Often times, it’s not you, the bicyclist. We’ll help you get your medical care and thereafter, we’ll make sure that insurance company pays you what you’re due. Either voluntarily, or if necessary, to litigate.

By: David Wattel

What is Premises Liability | Phoenix Personal Injury

David Wattel


Phoenix Premises Liability

So, you’ve fallen because that employee mopped the floor and didn’t put up a warning sign. The lumbar was stacked too high, came down on top of you, caused you injury. Or you know what, those steps at your apartment complex, the concrete ones that were cracked, finally gave way when you were walking down. All of these are examples of premises liability cases.

Wattel & York

We handle premises liability cases. Many attorneys shy away from these cases, because they require time, they require effort. We pursue them vigorously. If you think you have a premises liability case, because there was a hazard, or an employee caused you harm when you were in their store, give us a call. We’ll evaluate. We’ll pursue your claim just like you were injured in an auto accident. An injury is an injury. You’re entitled to reasonable necessary medical care and thereafter, adequate compensation.

By: David Wattel

Phoenix Premises Liability

So, you’ve fallen because that employee mopped the floor and didn’t put up a warning sign. The lumbar was stacked too high, came down on top of you, caused you injury. Or you know what, those steps at your apartment complex, the concrete ones that were cracked, finally gave way when you were walking down. All of these are examples of premises liability cases.

Wattel & York

We handle premises liability cases. Many attorneys shy away from these cases, because they require time, they require effort. We pursue them vigorously. If you think you have a premises liability case, because there was a hazard, or an employee caused you harm when you were in their store, give us a call. We’ll evaluate. We’ll pursue your claim just like you were injured in an auto accident. An injury is an injury. You’re entitled to reasonable necessary medical care and thereafter, adequate compensation.

By: David Wattel

Do You Need a Slip & Fall Attorney | Arizona

Mark Raczkowski


My name is Mark Raczkowski, and I’m an attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC in Phoenix, Arizona. Under most circumstances, if you slip and fall on somebody else’s property, they will not cover your medical expenses. Depends on what type of insurance coverage, if any, that they have as well as what assets they might have. But if you slip and fall and been seriously injured on someone’s property, the first thing you need to do is speak with an attorney that is familiar with the types of issues that come up in slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall cases. My office has focused on slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall cases for more than 25 years, and we know what to expect with regards to defendants that own property where people have been hurt. If you have questions about a serious injury that you’ve suffered as a result of a slip-and-fall on someone else’s property contact me through my website at

By: Mark Raczkowski

My name is Mark Raczkowski, and I’m an attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC in Phoenix, Arizona. Under most circumstances, if you slip and fall on somebody else’s property, they will not cover your medical expenses. Depends on what type of insurance coverage, if any, that they have as well as what assets they might have. But if you slip and fall and been seriously injured on someone’s property, the first thing you need to do is speak with an attorney that is familiar with the types of issues that come up in slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall cases. My office has focused on slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall cases for more than 25 years, and we know what to expect with regards to defendants that own property where people have been hurt. If you have questions about a serious injury that you’ve suffered as a result of a slip-and-fall on someone else’s property contact me through my website at

By: Mark Raczkowski

How to Handle Insurance Adjusters During Your Premise Liability Case | Arizona

Mack Jones


My name’s Mack Jones and I’m a personal injury attorney here in Phoenix, Arizona at Jones, Raczkoski PC. There’s a “catch-22” in premises liability cases. Typically you’ll be asked by an insurance adjuster or defense attorney at some point, did you see what caused you to fall before you fell? There’s only two answers, yes I saw it or no I didn’t. But they’re prepared for either answer. If you say, yes I saw it then their argument is going to be you should have avoided it. If you say, no I didn’t see it, they’re going to say it was right in front of you. There are reasons why people fall even though they saw something and there are reasons people fall even though they didn’t see something because it was not visible. If you have a case like that you need it professionally evaluated by somebody like us, Jones Raczkowski PC. (602) 840-8787.

By: Mack Jones

My name’s Mack Jones and I’m a personal injury attorney here in Phoenix, Arizona at Jones, Raczkoski PC. There’s a “catch-22” in premises liability cases. Typically you’ll be asked by an insurance adjuster or defense attorney at some point, did you see what caused you to fall before you fell? There’s only two answers, yes I saw it or no I didn’t. But they’re prepared for either answer. If you say, yes I saw it then their argument is going to be you should have avoided it. If you say, no I didn’t see it, they’re going to say it was right in front of you. There are reasons why people fall even though they saw something and there are reasons people fall even though they didn’t see something because it was not visible. If you have a case like that you need it professionally evaluated by somebody like us, Jones Raczkowski PC. (602) 840-8787.

By: Mack Jones

What Does Diminished Value Mean | Phoenix Auto Accidents

David Wattel


Diminished Value in Phoenix

We hold ourselves out as some of the leading attorneys anywhere on diminished value. Diminished value is the depreciation that your vehicle suffers following an accident once your vehicle is properly repaired. It’s not that your vehicle is totaled, but it’s repaired and now has less value in the market place than it did before the accident.

Diminished Value Claims & Appraisers

To pursue a diminished value claim, we hire an appraiser. An appraiser is someone who has the ability to evaluate the value of the vehicle before the accident and the value of the vehicle now. Often times, it may be in the value of (20) twenty, (30) thirty, and even (40) forty percent of the fair market value of your vehicle. Why, because now you can’t sell that vehicle in the open market place. You can’t get a retail value. You try to go trade it in, the dealership knows that it’s been involved in a wreck. As a result, they don’t want to take it in, because they can’t make a profit on it. So, you’re likely only going to get a wholesale value.

Wattel & York

Why do most attorneys not pursue the claims? Because, it doesn’t benefit them. We’re looking out for your best interests, whether it be something as simple as a diminished value claim, or as extensive as a significant injury claim. We’re there to do everything that it takes to get you fully documented on all of your claims.

By: David Wattel

Diminished Value in Phoenix

We hold ourselves out as some of the leading attorneys anywhere on diminished value. Diminished value is the depreciation that your vehicle suffers following an accident once your vehicle is properly repaired. It’s not that your vehicle is totaled, but it’s repaired and now has less value in the market place than it did before the accident.

Diminished Value Claims & Appraisers

To pursue a diminished value claim, we hire an appraiser. An appraiser is someone who has the ability to evaluate the value of the vehicle before the accident and the value of the vehicle now. Often times, it may be in the value of (20) twenty, (30) thirty, and even (40) forty percent of the fair market value of your vehicle. Why, because now you can’t sell that vehicle in the open market place. You can’t get a retail value. You try to go trade it in, the dealership knows that it’s been involved in a wreck. As a result, they don’t want to take it in, because they can’t make a profit on it. So, you’re likely only going to get a wholesale value.

Wattel & York

Why do most attorneys not pursue the claims? Because, it doesn’t benefit them. We’re looking out for your best interests, whether it be something as simple as a diminished value claim, or as extensive as a significant injury claim. We’re there to do everything that it takes to get you fully documented on all of your claims.

By: David Wattel

Wrongful Death Claims | Phoenix Personal Injury

David Wattel


Wrongful Death Claims in Phoenix

We at Wattel and York handle wrongful death claims. If you’ve lost a loved one we’re sorry. But, if it’s somebody else’s responsibility, we may be able to help you. If you’re a parent, or a spouse, or a child, you may have a claim under the law. Give us a call. We’ll see if we can help you out.

By: David Wattel

Wrongful Death Claims in Phoenix

We at Wattel and York handle wrongful death claims. If you’ve lost a loved one we’re sorry. But, if it’s somebody else’s responsibility, we may be able to help you. If you’re a parent, or a spouse, or a child, you may have a claim under the law. Give us a call. We’ll see if we can help you out.

By: David Wattel

Attorney Mack Jones' Consultation Process | Arizona

Mack Jones


My name’s Mack Jones and I’m a personal injury attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC. Our philosophy on taking on new cases and representing clients is that it’s a two-way interview process, client, the prospective client is interviewing us and we’re interviewing them. The first thing – and the most important thing which you can have with any attorney – is trust. You have to decide whether you’re going to trust your attorney because you’re putting important matters into their care to be handled.

Second, what we’re doing is we’re trying to be realistic so that we all know what is possible and what is not possible. What is not possible is what happened to you cannot be undone. The defendant probably wishes it could be undone. You certainly wish it could be undone but that cannot happen. So what we deal with is the art of the possible not the impossible.

Third, we want to give you realistic evaluations of what can happen, not pie-in-the-sky evaluations, but something that you can sit there and go, “Okay, at least I know what’s going on and somebody’s talking to be straight.” If you have a serious personal injury case and you would like a consultation, or you’d like to interview me, please contact us at (602) 840-8787, Jones Raczkowski PC.

By: Mack Jones

My name’s Mack Jones and I’m a personal injury attorney at Jones Raczkowski PC. Our philosophy on taking on new cases and representing clients is that it’s a two-way interview process, client, the prospective client is interviewing us and we’re interviewing them. The first thing – and the most important thing which you can have with any attorney – is trust. You have to decide whether you’re going to trust your attorney because you’re putting important matters into their care to be handled.

Second, what we’re doing is we’re trying to be realistic so that we all know what is possible and what is not possible. What is not possible is what happened to you cannot be undone. The defendant probably wishes it could be undone. You certainly wish it could be undone but that cannot happen. So what we deal with is the art of the possible not the impossible.

Third, we want to give you realistic evaluations of what can happen, not pie-in-the-sky evaluations, but something that you can sit there and go, “Okay, at least I know what’s going on and somebody’s talking to be straight.” If you have a serious personal injury case and you would like a consultation, or you’d like to interview me, please contact us at (602) 840-8787, Jones Raczkowski PC.

By: Mack Jones

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