Arizona Partnerships Laws

Business Partnership Disputes | Arizona

Neal Bookspan


My name is Neal Bookspan. I’m a partner at Jaburg and Wilk. I help my clients manage their legal risks in the area of litigation, transactional work, and creditors’ rights.

Is it possible to diffuse the tension and emotional nature of a dispute between business partners?

It is possible to diffuse the tension between a partnership or what we’d call a almost corporate divorce situation. In these situations you’ve got shareholders or members at odds and entities. It can affect the day to day running of a business. It can affect employees, customers. And one of the things that you have to look at is when you get a lawyer involved it helps take the tension and emotion out of the situation because you’ve got a third party who is removed form the dispute itself who can look at things with a clear eye and business judgement to help advise the client in a manner in which will healthfully help put things on a business level and not a personal level.

Is it really possible for a client to avoid expensive and extended litigation?

It is possible for a client to avoid extended and expensive litigation sometimes. Any litigation is very lengthy and expensive no matter how you look at it. But there are ways to try and resolve disputes early on and try and avoid the situations that result in endless amounts of cash being spent and fees being incurred. A lot of times what I utilize with clients at this point is pre-litigation mediation, either formal or informal settlement and mediation talks, anything to try and resolve the situation. Or come to some type of partial settlement that will help streamline the litigation, make it shorter, and hopefully reduce expenses for not only our clients but all the parties which always helps matters get resolved.

By: Neal Bookspan

My name is Neal Bookspan. I’m a partner at Jaburg and Wilk. I help my clients manage their legal risks in the area of litigation, transactional work, and creditors’ rights.

Is it possible to diffuse the tension and emotional nature of a dispute between business partners?

It is possible to diffuse the tension between a partnership or what we’d call a almost corporate divorce situation. In these situations you’ve got shareholders or members at odds and entities. It can affect the day to day running of a business. It can affect employees, customers. And one of the things that you have to look at is when you get a lawyer involved it helps take the tension and emotion out of the situation because you’ve got a third party who is removed form the dispute itself who can look at things with a clear eye and business judgement to help advise the client in a manner in which will healthfully help put things on a business level and not a personal level.

Is it really possible for a client to avoid expensive and extended litigation?

It is possible for a client to avoid extended and expensive litigation sometimes. Any litigation is very lengthy and expensive no matter how you look at it. But there are ways to try and resolve disputes early on and try and avoid the situations that result in endless amounts of cash being spent and fees being incurred. A lot of times what I utilize with clients at this point is pre-litigation mediation, either formal or informal settlement and mediation talks, anything to try and resolve the situation. Or come to some type of partial settlement that will help streamline the litigation, make it shorter, and hopefully reduce expenses for not only our clients but all the parties which always helps matters get resolved.

By: Neal Bookspan

Preparation for First Meeting With Attorney | Arizona

Neal Bookspan


First Meeting With Attorney

I’m Neal Bookspan of Jaburg Wilk. I’m an attorney who helps businesses and business owners manage their legal risks. The first meeting between a new client and an attorney is very important. To prepare for that meeting, it’s always good if the potential client not only spends the time to outline their issues and know the facts and issues that they’re coming to the attorney about. But then to not only prepare the documentation or bring the documentation, but to actually review their documentation while they’re outlining it. Because the more that they remember and the more that they know, the more successful that first meeting can be in figuring out whether they have a situation that the attorney can help them out or not.

By: Neal Bookspan

First Meeting With Attorney

I’m Neal Bookspan of Jaburg Wilk. I’m an attorney who helps businesses and business owners manage their legal risks. The first meeting between a new client and an attorney is very important. To prepare for that meeting, it’s always good if the potential client not only spends the time to outline their issues and know the facts and issues that they’re coming to the attorney about. But then to not only prepare the documentation or bring the documentation, but to actually review their documentation while they’re outlining it. Because the more that they remember and the more that they know, the more successful that first meeting can be in figuring out whether they have a situation that the attorney can help them out or not.

By: Neal Bookspan

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