Effective Mediation Tips | Denver Family Law

Scott Goldman | 1001 Views | 03/24/2015

Mediation in the State of Colorado, whether it’s for a divorce case or a child custody case is ordered by the courts, nine times out of ten. And mediation is an alternative way for the parties to resolve their case. Being in full control of that agreement and not risking whether or not a judge or magistrate would go against what you ultimately think should happen.

Mediation can be effective, but it’s only as effective as you allow it to be. And so if you’re not in mediation with realistic expectations about your case. And with the mindset that you want to settle your case, then mediation frankly will not be effective. In order for mediation to be effective, also, both parties need to want to settle the case, and want to make realistic decisions about the outcome of the case that they would also get– that they would also be likely to get in a court setting as well.

If you go in to mediation, thinking that you’re going to get $10,000 worth of alimony a month, and the facts only support of $2,000 alimony rate. Or if you think you’re going to go into mediation and get full custody when the facts support a different custody outcome. Then those are the expectations I’m talking about, that would make mediation ineffective. So it’s very important to listen to your lawyer and make decisions about a realistic outcome so that mediation can be effective. And so you can settle your case with a better piece of mind.

By: Scott Goldman

Effective Mediation Tips | Denver Family Law

Mediation in the State of Colorado, whether it’s for a divorce case or a child custody case is ordered by the courts, nine times out of ten. And mediation is an alternative way for the parties to resolve their case. Being in full control of that agreement and not risking whether or not a judge or magistrate would go against what you ultimately think should happen.

Mediation can be effective, but it’s only as effective as you allow it to be. And so if you’re not in mediation with realistic expectations about your case. And with the mindset that you want to settle your case, then mediation frankly will not be effective. In order for mediation to be effective, also, both parties need to want to settle the case, and want to make realistic decisions about the outcome of the case that they would also get– that they would also be likely to get in a court setting as well.

If you go in to mediation, thinking that you’re going to get $10,000 worth of alimony a month, and the facts only support of $2,000 alimony rate. Or if you think you’re going to go into mediation and get full custody when the facts support a different custody outcome. Then those are the expectations I’m talking about, that would make mediation ineffective. So it’s very important to listen to your lawyer and make decisions about a realistic outcome so that mediation can be effective. And so you can settle your case with a better piece of mind.

By: Scott Goldman