Arizona Alimony & Spousal Maintenance Laws

How Much Spousal Maintenance Will I Receive | Arizona

Laurence B. Hirsch


Arizona Dissolution of Marriage Law Implications

Hi. My name is Larry Hirsch, and I practice exclusively in the domestic relations group at Jaburg & Wilk. Talking about spousal maintenance, the great grey area in Arizona Dissolution of Marriage Law.

Spousal maintenance has no guidelines. It’s one of the keys that anybody has to understand. So, when a client asks me, what am I going to see receiving spousal maintenance, it’s almost impossible to tell them and there’s lots of reasons why but I want to relate a story. I help teach younger attorneys how to put on divorce trials. I remember one time we were doing this we had a panel of judges who came in to sit at our mock trial. We had five judges. We presented the exact same case, of course, to all five judges. All five judges had a different ruling on how much spousal maintenance the spouse was going to get and how long the spousal maintenance term was going to last. I like to tell that story because clients will ask all the time, how much am I going to pay in spousal maintenance? How much am I going to receive in spousal maintenance? The answer is always: “it depends”. That’s why we call it the great grey area.

There are a myriad of factors that play in to not only whether or not one is entitled to spousal maintenance but more specifically how much spousal maintenance one will receive and for how long.

By: Laurence B. Hirsch

Arizona Dissolution of Marriage Law Implications

Hi. My name is Larry Hirsch, and I practice exclusively in the domestic relations group at Jaburg & Wilk. Talking about spousal maintenance, the great grey area in Arizona Dissolution of Marriage Law.

Spousal maintenance has no guidelines. It’s one of the keys that anybody has to understand. So, when a client asks me, what am I going to see receiving spousal maintenance, it’s almost impossible to tell them and there’s lots of reasons why but I want to relate a story. I help teach younger attorneys how to put on divorce trials. I remember one time we were doing this we had a panel of judges who came in to sit at our mock trial. We had five judges. We presented the exact same case, of course, to all five judges. All five judges had a different ruling on how much spousal maintenance the spouse was going to get and how long the spousal maintenance term was going to last. I like to tell that story because clients will ask all the time, how much am I going to pay in spousal maintenance? How much am I going to receive in spousal maintenance? The answer is always: “it depends”. That’s why we call it the great grey area.

There are a myriad of factors that play in to not only whether or not one is entitled to spousal maintenance but more specifically how much spousal maintenance one will receive and for how long.

By: Laurence B. Hirsch

What Should I Expect During the First Meeting With My Divorce Attorney | Arizona

Mitchell Reichman


Hi, I’m Mitch Reichman. I’m a board certified family law specialist and I practice at Jaburg and Wilk.

How can I make the most of my first meeting?

The way a client can make the most of their first meeting with me is to be organized and to bring me basic general information. So I want a simple statement of their assets and their liabilities. I’d like to see the most recent three years of tax returns. And I recommend the client bring notes. At least bullet points of the topics the client would like to cover in that first meeting.

Should I bring all of my records to the first meeting?

I don’t ask them to bring a lot of documents to the first meeting. We’re going to follow up and gather a lot of documents during the process. Certainly I would not want the to bring a box of records to the meeting. It would be very inefficient, very expensive for the client for me to be thumbing through a box of records in that first meeting.

What information are you looking for initially?

We’re looking for broad strokes of information. We want to identify in that first meeting what the assets are and what the liabilities are. To find out about their children. To know about income and expenses. To see if someone is going to be needing spousal maintenance for example. So just broadly identify the topics we’re going to need to address. We’re going to gather a lot of details along the way, but that wouldn’t be a useful way to spend our time the first meeting.

By: Mitchell Reichman

Hi, I’m Mitch Reichman. I’m a board certified family law specialist and I practice at Jaburg and Wilk.

How can I make the most of my first meeting?

The way a client can make the most of their first meeting with me is to be organized and to bring me basic general information. So I want a simple statement of their assets and their liabilities. I’d like to see the most recent three years of tax returns. And I recommend the client bring notes. At least bullet points of the topics the client would like to cover in that first meeting.

Should I bring all of my records to the first meeting?

I don’t ask them to bring a lot of documents to the first meeting. We’re going to follow up and gather a lot of documents during the process. Certainly I would not want the to bring a box of records to the meeting. It would be very inefficient, very expensive for the client for me to be thumbing through a box of records in that first meeting.

What information are you looking for initially?

We’re looking for broad strokes of information. We want to identify in that first meeting what the assets are and what the liabilities are. To find out about their children. To know about income and expenses. To see if someone is going to be needing spousal maintenance for example. So just broadly identify the topics we’re going to need to address. We’re going to gather a lot of details along the way, but that wouldn’t be a useful way to spend our time the first meeting.

By: Mitchell Reichman

How is Alimony Determined in Arizona | Scottsdale Alimony Laws

C.D. Owens


Determining Alimony

That is perhaps the most difficult question that lawyers and judges have to make in these cases. There are so many variables that have to be considered that I could actually discuss them for the rest of the afternoon. There’s the age of the parties, how long they have been married, there’s how much money does each one of them make.

Alimony Example

For example, if a lady with a 20-year marriage is making $150,000 a year, no judge is going to award her spousal maintenance. His or her attitude will be that she can support herself, as she obviously can. But then after a decision is made whether a party qualifies to receive spousal maintenance, there’s a wide range of other things like standard of living that has been achieved during the marriage, health of the parties. You not only have to consider how much the wife may be earning, but you have to consider how much the payer is earning and whether he could pay spousal maintenance. All of those things have to be considered and we encourage people to give us a ring and talk to us about it.

By: CD Owens

Determining Alimony

That is perhaps the most difficult question that lawyers and judges have to make in these cases. There are so many variables that have to be considered that I could actually discuss them for the rest of the afternoon. There’s the age of the parties, how long they have been married, there’s how much money does each one of them make.

Alimony Example

For example, if a lady with a 20-year marriage is making $150,000 a year, no judge is going to award her spousal maintenance. His or her attitude will be that she can support herself, as she obviously can. But then after a decision is made whether a party qualifies to receive spousal maintenance, there’s a wide range of other things like standard of living that has been achieved during the marriage, health of the parties. You not only have to consider how much the wife may be earning, but you have to consider how much the payer is earning and whether he could pay spousal maintenance. All of those things have to be considered and we encourage people to give us a ring and talk to us about it.

By: CD Owens

Is Alimony Taxable in Arizona?

Kip Micuda


Alimony is referred to in Arizona as spousal support or spousal maintenance. The parent that receives alimony must report those payments as taxable income on his or her federal and state tax returns. A spouse that pays alimony must report those payments as a deduction on their federal and state tax returns. However, the parties can agree to treat alimony differently, as far as it’s taxability. They can agree to treat it is part of a property settlement or as part of an equalization. In that instance, there is no reporting of alimony on either party’s tax returns at all. If you have any questions about alimony and the taxability of it, please contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

Alimony is referred to in Arizona as spousal support or spousal maintenance. The parent that receives alimony must report those payments as taxable income on his or her federal and state tax returns. A spouse that pays alimony must report those payments as a deduction on their federal and state tax returns. However, the parties can agree to treat alimony differently, as far as it’s taxability. They can agree to treat it is part of a property settlement or as part of an equalization. In that instance, there is no reporting of alimony on either party’s tax returns at all. If you have any questions about alimony and the taxability of it, please contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

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