Is There a Difference Between a Legal Separation & Divorce | Phoenix Legal Separation

Joel Hoffman | 1303 Views | 06/10/2014

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

This is probably the most asked question at social gatherings. In a legal separation, you still divide your assets and debts, and determine custody, which is now called legal decision-making, parenting time, child support and alimony. Both parties have to agree to the legal separation and if either party objects to obtaining a legal separation, the court will convert your case to a dissolution of marriage.

Religion & Health Insurance

The difference is that when you obtain a decree of legal separation, both parties will continue to be husband and wife, instead of terminating their marital relationship. A husband and wife may choose this option when they want to divide their assets and no longer be responsible for the debts of the other spouse, but want to remain husband and wife for religious reasons or for health insurance purposes.

If it’s for health insurance purposes, you will need to make sure your spouse’s health insurance policy allows you to have continued coverage after the entry of the decree for legal separation. If you have additional questions regarding the differences between a divorce and legal separation, please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101 to schedule a complimentary consultation. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

Is There a Difference Between a Legal Separation & Divorce | Phoenix Legal Separation

Legal Separation vs. Divorce

This is probably the most asked question at social gatherings. In a legal separation, you still divide your assets and debts, and determine custody, which is now called legal decision-making, parenting time, child support and alimony. Both parties have to agree to the legal separation and if either party objects to obtaining a legal separation, the court will convert your case to a dissolution of marriage.

Religion & Health Insurance

The difference is that when you obtain a decree of legal separation, both parties will continue to be husband and wife, instead of terminating their marital relationship. A husband and wife may choose this option when they want to divide their assets and no longer be responsible for the debts of the other spouse, but want to remain husband and wife for religious reasons or for health insurance purposes.

If it’s for health insurance purposes, you will need to make sure your spouse’s health insurance policy allows you to have continued coverage after the entry of the decree for legal separation. If you have additional questions regarding the differences between a divorce and legal separation, please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101 to schedule a complimentary consultation. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman