Attorney Fees in Tempe
When you hire a divorce lawyer, your contract with that lawyer will initially require that you to pay the fees for that lawyer. The court however, can reallocate the payment of attorneys fees based on a couple of considerations prior to entering any orders, making one party pay the other party’s attorney fees.
Factors to Consider
The court has to look at which party has been reasonable in the litigation, and also the court has to look at the relative financial positions of both parties, both the assets and the incomes of the parties. So, in cases where one person has a lot of money and the other person has no ability to hire an attorney, the court is going to be very inclined to order the person with the greater financial wherewithal to pay the attorney fees of the other party.
And also, in cases where one person has been very unreasonable throughout the litigation and has caused unnecessary trial, or unnecessary litigation, the court is likely to enter as a punishment, an order requiring that person to pay all, or some part of the other person’s attorney fees.
Now, if you’d like more information about divorce, attorney fees, or any of these other issues, please contact me at (480) 733-6800, or you can visit us online.
By: Attorney Douglas Gardner