Arizona Family Law Laws

What is an Arizona Parenting Plan Document | Scottsdale Child Custody

Greg Davis


Scottsdale Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is a document, which a judge will make or parents can make themselves. It describes with whom a child will live and on what days of the week. It describes which parent, or both parents will make the decisions for the child. For details, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

Scottsdale Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is a document, which a judge will make or parents can make themselves. It describes with whom a child will live and on what days of the week. It describes which parent, or both parents will make the decisions for the child. For details, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

How to Enforce Child Support in Arizona | Phoenix Family Law

Joel Hoffman


Enforcing Child Support in Phoenix

Enforcement of child support is controlled by Arizona revised statute, title 25, starting at section 500. I find that many of my clients need me to return to court to pursue non-payment of a child support obligation.

Petition for Contempt

You can file a petition for contempt, requesting that the court one, determine the amount of child support arrearage, two, enter a finding of contempt, three, order incarceration with a purge clause for the payment of a lump sum amount to satisfy all or a portion of the arrearage, in order to avoid going to jail and four, enter a judgment for the unpaid child support amount with a repayment plan with accruing interest until the arrearage is paid in full.


If the other party fails to appear for court after being served with the petition, the court can even issue a child support arrest warrant. Finally, depending upon the amount of child support arrearage that is owed, the court can order the other party to attend regular monthly hearings through accountability court to monitor compliance with the child support court order. If you want to learn more about enforcing and collecting your child support court order, please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101, to schedule a complimentary consultation. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

Enforcing Child Support in Phoenix

Enforcement of child support is controlled by Arizona revised statute, title 25, starting at section 500. I find that many of my clients need me to return to court to pursue non-payment of a child support obligation.

Petition for Contempt

You can file a petition for contempt, requesting that the court one, determine the amount of child support arrearage, two, enter a finding of contempt, three, order incarceration with a purge clause for the payment of a lump sum amount to satisfy all or a portion of the arrearage, in order to avoid going to jail and four, enter a judgment for the unpaid child support amount with a repayment plan with accruing interest until the arrearage is paid in full.


If the other party fails to appear for court after being served with the petition, the court can even issue a child support arrest warrant. Finally, depending upon the amount of child support arrearage that is owed, the court can order the other party to attend regular monthly hearings through accountability court to monitor compliance with the child support court order. If you want to learn more about enforcing and collecting your child support court order, please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101, to schedule a complimentary consultation. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

How Will Divorce Impact My Business? | Arizona

Mitchell Reichman


Hi. I’m Mitch Reichman. I’m a board certified family law specialist, and I practice at Jaburg & Wilk.

What is community property?

Community property in Arizona is- it creates a presumption that everything that’s acquired during the marriage by either spouse is owned by the community. It means it’s owned by them jointly. They each have an undivided 100% interest in all of the community property.

If I own a business, will that become communal property when I get married?

If you put money into a business and started the business before marriage, the character of your assets doesn’t change by virtue of you getting married.  So if you come into the marriage with a business that’s a growing concern, that business is your separate property. The difficulty is if you are working in the business and the business increases in value during the marriage.  How to apportion the increase in value between what the business was in terms of it’s value and earning potential at the time of the marriage, at which time it was your separate property, and how it’s changed during the course of the marriage. Those are very difficult questions to answer, and require typically experts to do that kind of evaluation.

How can I protect my business before I get married?

There is a relatively easy way to protect your business or any other separate property before you get married. And that is to have a premarital agreement. Premarital agreements are presumptively enforceable in the state of Arizona. We have adopted something called the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. And under the Act, as long as you follow certain guidelines, there is a very strong probability that the court will enforce that agreement.

What business advice do you have for someone going through a divorce?

They need to be prepared for a forensic evaluation of their business. Someone is going to be looking at all of the personal benefits they get from the business, and attempting to quantify them. They’re going to be looking for any unusual transactions, they’re going to be looking for any unusual activity in the business that suggest that somebody might be divorce planning. And so what you want to do, is you want to operate as you always have to the extent that you can, and if there is some event or occurrence that causes you to need to do something special, you want to document it as best you can.

By: Mitchell Reichman

Hi. I’m Mitch Reichman. I’m a board certified family law specialist, and I practice at Jaburg & Wilk.

What is community property?

Community property in Arizona is- it creates a presumption that everything that’s acquired during the marriage by either spouse is owned by the community. It means it’s owned by them jointly. They each have an undivided 100% interest in all of the community property.

If I own a business, will that become communal property when I get married?

If you put money into a business and started the business before marriage, the character of your assets doesn’t change by virtue of you getting married.  So if you come into the marriage with a business that’s a growing concern, that business is your separate property. The difficulty is if you are working in the business and the business increases in value during the marriage.  How to apportion the increase in value between what the business was in terms of it’s value and earning potential at the time of the marriage, at which time it was your separate property, and how it’s changed during the course of the marriage. Those are very difficult questions to answer, and require typically experts to do that kind of evaluation.

How can I protect my business before I get married?

There is a relatively easy way to protect your business or any other separate property before you get married. And that is to have a premarital agreement. Premarital agreements are presumptively enforceable in the state of Arizona. We have adopted something called the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. And under the Act, as long as you follow certain guidelines, there is a very strong probability that the court will enforce that agreement.

What business advice do you have for someone going through a divorce?

They need to be prepared for a forensic evaluation of their business. Someone is going to be looking at all of the personal benefits they get from the business, and attempting to quantify them. They’re going to be looking for any unusual transactions, they’re going to be looking for any unusual activity in the business that suggest that somebody might be divorce planning. And so what you want to do, is you want to operate as you always have to the extent that you can, and if there is some event or occurrence that causes you to need to do something special, you want to document it as best you can.

By: Mitchell Reichman

What's the Difference Between a Divorce and Legal Separation | Scottsdale Legal Separation

Chris Hildebrand


Divorce vs Legal Separation

Hello, I want to speak to you today about the difference between a divorce and legal separation in the state of Arizona. In actuality, there are very few differences between the two and in both cases the court is going to divide your assets, divide the community debts, enter orders for custody of the children, order child support, if appropriate in both cases, the court will order alimony, or what we refer to as spousal maintenance.

The only difference between a legal separation and a divorce then is, the spouses are not returned to the status of being single people and are not free to remarry. If you have any other questions regarding the differences between a divorce and a legal separation, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand

Divorce vs Legal Separation

Hello, I want to speak to you today about the difference between a divorce and legal separation in the state of Arizona. In actuality, there are very few differences between the two and in both cases the court is going to divide your assets, divide the community debts, enter orders for custody of the children, order child support, if appropriate in both cases, the court will order alimony, or what we refer to as spousal maintenance.

The only difference between a legal separation and a divorce then is, the spouses are not returned to the status of being single people and are not free to remarry. If you have any other questions regarding the differences between a divorce and a legal separation, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand

Is Alimony Taxable in Arizona?

Kip Micuda


Alimony is referred to in Arizona as spousal support or spousal maintenance. The parent that receives alimony must report those payments as taxable income on his or her federal and state tax returns. A spouse that pays alimony must report those payments as a deduction on their federal and state tax returns. However, the parties can agree to treat alimony differently, as far as it’s taxability. They can agree to treat it is part of a property settlement or as part of an equalization. In that instance, there is no reporting of alimony on either party’s tax returns at all. If you have any questions about alimony and the taxability of it, please contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

Alimony is referred to in Arizona as spousal support or spousal maintenance. The parent that receives alimony must report those payments as taxable income on his or her federal and state tax returns. A spouse that pays alimony must report those payments as a deduction on their federal and state tax returns. However, the parties can agree to treat alimony differently, as far as it’s taxability. They can agree to treat it is part of a property settlement or as part of an equalization. In that instance, there is no reporting of alimony on either party’s tax returns at all. If you have any questions about alimony and the taxability of it, please contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

Alan Cochran - Profile Video | Scottsdale Divorce Attorney

Alan Cochran


Attorney Alan Cochran

I take on your case as though it were my case. I’ve been practicing a lot for 25 years primarily in the family law arena. Other areas have been civil litigation, juvenile law, and probate and estate. I’m primarily doing what I do for the best interest of the children. I have a five-year-old, so I’m very into the well-being and the best interest of the children. Clients can expect from me a compassionate, experienced and somewhat aggressive type representation. I represent you and your ideals and your request to the degree that I can under the ethical rules of the law. And gain what we’re able to gain in the process in your family law case.

By: Alan Cochran

Attorney Alan Cochran

I take on your case as though it were my case. I’ve been practicing a lot for 25 years primarily in the family law arena. Other areas have been civil litigation, juvenile law, and probate and estate. I’m primarily doing what I do for the best interest of the children. I have a five-year-old, so I’m very into the well-being and the best interest of the children. Clients can expect from me a compassionate, experienced and somewhat aggressive type representation. I represent you and your ideals and your request to the degree that I can under the ethical rules of the law. And gain what we’re able to gain in the process in your family law case.

By: Alan Cochran

How Do I Enforce Parenting Time | Arizona

Kip Micuda


As you might imagine, parenting time or the enforcement of parenting time is an issue that we deal with frequently. There’s a couple ways to deal with it. First, and the way that we prefer, is to be able contact the other party, or perhaps their attorney and try to resolve the issue informally. That can result in an agreement between the parties, it can be approved by the court and you’re essentially done. A more formal process is to file a petition to enforce parenting time. That petition itself is generally, fairly brief and fairly simple. However, the process of getting a court order on that petition can be rather involved and rather significant. If you have any specific questions or have other requests, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

Contact an Arizona divorce lawyer to begin enforcing your parenting time.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

As you might imagine, parenting time or the enforcement of parenting time is an issue that we deal with frequently. There’s a couple ways to deal with it. First, and the way that we prefer, is to be able contact the other party, or perhaps their attorney and try to resolve the issue informally. That can result in an agreement between the parties, it can be approved by the court and you’re essentially done. A more formal process is to file a petition to enforce parenting time. That petition itself is generally, fairly brief and fairly simple. However, the process of getting a court order on that petition can be rather involved and rather significant. If you have any specific questions or have other requests, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Hildebrand Law. The phone number is (480) 305-8300. Thank you.

Contact an Arizona divorce lawyer to begin enforcing your parenting time.

By: Attorney Kip Micuda

How To Establish Paternity In Arizona | Phoenix Family Law

Joel Hoffman


Paternity Proceedings

The paternity proceedings in Arizona are controlled by Arizona revised statute title 25, starting at section 801. Mother may file petition to establish paternity and serve the alleged father she believes to be the child’s biological father. If the alleged father files an answer denying paternity, mother may request that the court order the alleged father to submit to a DNA test to determine paternity.

Default Judgement

If the alleged father, after being served, refuses to file an answer with the court, mother may request that the court enter a default judgment against the alleged father, establishing by court order that he is the child’s biological father.

Child Support

Once a mother establishes paternity, then she can proceed to obtain child support against the father pursuant to the Arizona child support guidelines. Please call me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101. I can schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss in more detail the necessary steps to obtain an order of paternity and have the court decide legal decision making, parenting time and child support. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

Paternity Proceedings

The paternity proceedings in Arizona are controlled by Arizona revised statute title 25, starting at section 801. Mother may file petition to establish paternity and serve the alleged father she believes to be the child’s biological father. If the alleged father files an answer denying paternity, mother may request that the court order the alleged father to submit to a DNA test to determine paternity.

Default Judgement

If the alleged father, after being served, refuses to file an answer with the court, mother may request that the court enter a default judgment against the alleged father, establishing by court order that he is the child’s biological father.

Child Support

Once a mother establishes paternity, then she can proceed to obtain child support against the father pursuant to the Arizona child support guidelines. Please call me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101. I can schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss in more detail the necessary steps to obtain an order of paternity and have the court decide legal decision making, parenting time and child support. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

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