Arizona Estate Planning Laws

What is a Guardianship | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Chris Hildebrand


Guardianship in Scottsdale, Arizona

I want to speak to you today regarding what a guardianship is with respect to estate planning in the state of Arizona. A guardianship consists of a court appointment of a person or entity to care for or make personal decisions for a child who is younger than 18 years of age, or an adult who is incapacitated, or otherwise unable to care for themselves, due to a mental or physical disability.

The Ward & Guardian

The person for whom a guardian is appointed is referred to as the ward. Any person, subject to court approval, may be appointed by the court to accept the responsibility of being a guardian for a ward. With respect to minor children, the court’s decision regarding who to appoint as a child’s guardian will be based upon what the court finds to be in the best interest of that child.

Any individual seeking to be appointed a guardian of a ward must disclose background information, including prior criminal convictions, as well as other information the court may request before appointing that guardian. Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any questions regarding the appointment of a guardian in your case.

By: Chris Hildebrand

Guardianship in Scottsdale, Arizona

I want to speak to you today regarding what a guardianship is with respect to estate planning in the state of Arizona. A guardianship consists of a court appointment of a person or entity to care for or make personal decisions for a child who is younger than 18 years of age, or an adult who is incapacitated, or otherwise unable to care for themselves, due to a mental or physical disability.

The Ward & Guardian

The person for whom a guardian is appointed is referred to as the ward. Any person, subject to court approval, may be appointed by the court to accept the responsibility of being a guardian for a ward. With respect to minor children, the court’s decision regarding who to appoint as a child’s guardian will be based upon what the court finds to be in the best interest of that child.

Any individual seeking to be appointed a guardian of a ward must disclose background information, including prior criminal convictions, as well as other information the court may request before appointing that guardian. Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any questions regarding the appointment of a guardian in your case.

By: Chris Hildebrand

What are Typical Estate Planning Documents | Arizona

Mark Bregman


Typical estate planning documents include a living trust, a pour-over will, a living will, and powers of attorney for financial, health care, and mental health care decision-making. Tax planning, if needed, may include irrevocable trusts and asset protection may include LLCs, trusts, and careful planning. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out more about creating your own effective and affordable estate plan.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

Typical estate planning documents include a living trust, a pour-over will, a living will, and powers of attorney for financial, health care, and mental health care decision-making. Tax planning, if needed, may include irrevocable trusts and asset protection may include LLCs, trusts, and careful planning. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out more about creating your own effective and affordable estate plan.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

How To Avoid Probate | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Michelle J. Perkins


If you are interested in avoiding probate and having your estate administered privately, meeting not in the public record, there are several ways to accomplish that. First, we can setup a trust. A trust will hold your assets during your lifetime, you will manage everything virtually the same way you did before, and upon your disability or death, the trust spells out who is going to take over and who gets what and when. A trust is a great instrument for payment of money over time. So, if you have minor children, a trust could be the solution for you. Another way to avoid probate is to make sure you have beneficiary designations on all of your assets. For example, on your house or real estate, you can sign a beneficiary deed that states who gets your house or real property upon your passing, and all the person has to do to receive that property is to record a death certificate with the Maricopa County recorder’s office. With your vehicles, the Motor Vehicle Department now allows you to sign a beneficiary designation form that will allow for easy transfer of title upon your death. And, with financial accounts and life insurance, you can nominate the person or persons who will receive those assets all without ever having to go through probate. If you would like to setup an estate plan to avoid the probate process, please give us a call at Owens & Perkins at (480) 994-8824.

By: Attorney Michelle Perkins

If you are interested in avoiding probate and having your estate administered privately, meeting not in the public record, there are several ways to accomplish that. First, we can setup a trust. A trust will hold your assets during your lifetime, you will manage everything virtually the same way you did before, and upon your disability or death, the trust spells out who is going to take over and who gets what and when. A trust is a great instrument for payment of money over time. So, if you have minor children, a trust could be the solution for you. Another way to avoid probate is to make sure you have beneficiary designations on all of your assets. For example, on your house or real estate, you can sign a beneficiary deed that states who gets your house or real property upon your passing, and all the person has to do to receive that property is to record a death certificate with the Maricopa County recorder’s office. With your vehicles, the Motor Vehicle Department now allows you to sign a beneficiary designation form that will allow for easy transfer of title upon your death. And, with financial accounts and life insurance, you can nominate the person or persons who will receive those assets all without ever having to go through probate. If you would like to setup an estate plan to avoid the probate process, please give us a call at Owens & Perkins at (480) 994-8824.

By: Attorney Michelle Perkins

What is a Guardianship in Arizona?

Michelle J. Perkins


In the event a person does not create an estate plan and nominates someone to make decisions regarding their housing, living situation, and health care, the state of Arizona has setup what is called a guardianship. A guardianship is a legal court proceeding where the person that is going to take over has to go down and file a petition with the court to obtain the legal authority to make these types of decisions for you. If the court approves the person that is applying to become your guardian, the court will issue an order granting them that authority. Many times, particularly if you have more than one child, a guardianship proceeding can become a contested matter because your children may each have their own idea of what is best for you in your later years. Unfortunately, these types of contested proceedings can cause family fights that ruin relationships and cause damage that never gets repaired. But, there is an easy way to avoid putting your family through all of this. If you have created your own estate plan, in that plan there will be a health care power of attorney that allows you to nominate who you want to make these decisions for you in the event that there is ever a time when you are unable. At Owens & Perkins, we strive to keep families together. Let us help you by preparing your estate plan so that you get to make your own decisions and have those decisions carried out. Id you would like to schedule a consultation to create, revise, or update an estate plan, or discuss the possible filing of a guardianship, please contact us at Owens & Perkins at (480) 994-8824.

If you are seeking a Guardianship in Arizona, please view this profile and submit a contact form.

By: Attorney Michelle Perkins

In the event a person does not create an estate plan and nominates someone to make decisions regarding their housing, living situation, and health care, the state of Arizona has setup what is called a guardianship. A guardianship is a legal court proceeding where the person that is going to take over has to go down and file a petition with the court to obtain the legal authority to make these types of decisions for you. If the court approves the person that is applying to become your guardian, the court will issue an order granting them that authority. Many times, particularly if you have more than one child, a guardianship proceeding can become a contested matter because your children may each have their own idea of what is best for you in your later years. Unfortunately, these types of contested proceedings can cause family fights that ruin relationships and cause damage that never gets repaired. But, there is an easy way to avoid putting your family through all of this. If you have created your own estate plan, in that plan there will be a health care power of attorney that allows you to nominate who you want to make these decisions for you in the event that there is ever a time when you are unable. At Owens & Perkins, we strive to keep families together. Let us help you by preparing your estate plan so that you get to make your own decisions and have those decisions carried out. Id you would like to schedule a consultation to create, revise, or update an estate plan, or discuss the possible filing of a guardianship, please contact us at Owens & Perkins at (480) 994-8824.

If you are seeking a Guardianship in Arizona, please view this profile and submit a contact form.

By: Attorney Michelle Perkins

What is a Living Trust | Arizona

Mark Bregman


A living trust is a popular tool used to avoid a probate proceeding, provide creditor protection to a surviving spouse, keep your financial information private, and allow you to avoid a conservatorship and direct who will handle your finances if you are unable to do so yourself. It allows you to give your wealth to who you want, when you want, and how you want all at the lowest possible cost including taxes, expenses, and professional fees. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out more about creating your own affordable estate plan.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman


A living trust is a popular tool used to avoid a probate proceeding, provide creditor protection to a surviving spouse, keep your financial information private, and allow you to avoid a conservatorship and direct who will handle your finances if you are unable to do so yourself. It allows you to give your wealth to who you want, when you want, and how you want all at the lowest possible cost including taxes, expenses, and professional fees. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out more about creating your own affordable estate plan.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman


How to Avoid Probate | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Chris Hildebrand


How to Avoid Probate in Scottsdale

I want to speak to you today regarding how you may avoid probate in the state of Arizona. Since probate is a legal proceeding, lawyers may be retained to represent heirs of the person appointed to manage the person’s estate. Avoiding probate therefore, will likely save the estate and parties the attorneys fees and other costs incurred in a probate case.

Estate Planning

A properly executed estate plan, including a properly executed trust, funded with all of your property and appointing an executor to manage your estate will in most cases avoid the need for your heirs to be involved in a probate action in Arizona. Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, if you have any other questions on ways to avoid a probate in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand

How to Avoid Probate in Scottsdale

I want to speak to you today regarding how you may avoid probate in the state of Arizona. Since probate is a legal proceeding, lawyers may be retained to represent heirs of the person appointed to manage the person’s estate. Avoiding probate therefore, will likely save the estate and parties the attorneys fees and other costs incurred in a probate case.

Estate Planning

A properly executed estate plan, including a properly executed trust, funded with all of your property and appointing an executor to manage your estate will in most cases avoid the need for your heirs to be involved in a probate action in Arizona. Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, if you have any other questions on ways to avoid a probate in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand

Mark Bregman - Profile Video | Arizona Estate Planning

Mark Bregman


Hello, I’m Mark Bregman, an Arizona estate planning and probate attorney since 1979. Clients hire me because I provide them with a high degree of comfort by explaining the different ways they can plan an estate, and then following through by creating a comprehensive plan using documents that help them avoid a guardianship, conservatorship, and probate, and the advice appropriate to help them and their loved ones achieve their expectations. I stay in contact with my clients and make sure their plans will be effective when most needed. This is the most popular reason clients hire me. What differentiates me from other attorneys is that I have spent many years developing and updating the provisions I use in creating trusts, wills, powers of attorney, and living wills designed to provide maximum protection for my clients, their families, and their hard earned wealth. I listen to my clients and convey difficult, non-intuitive concepts in a way that is easily understood. I begin by collecting information that induces prospective clients to think about what is important to them so that when we meet, I can listen to them tell me about themselves, their values, their families, and their intentions. I recognize that their wealth is also important to clients with little money. Every family has issues that should be discussed so that the client can choose his or her own way of dealing with their own family dynamics I can provide inexpensive and easy solutions using beneficiary deeds, POD accounts, and beneficiary designations to pass assets without using a trust or a probate, if it’s not necessary. Most of my clients are referred by financial advisors and satisfied clients who already trust me. I asked my clients to put aside their pre-conceived ideas of what they want and instead, focus on whether they like me. Not all lawyers are for all clients. I can’t write poetry or solve quadratic equations and I certainly can’t do the work most of my clients do, but I can create great estate plans. If you would like to work with me and my team, please give me a call at (480) 945-9131.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

Hello, I’m Mark Bregman, an Arizona estate planning and probate attorney since 1979. Clients hire me because I provide them with a high degree of comfort by explaining the different ways they can plan an estate, and then following through by creating a comprehensive plan using documents that help them avoid a guardianship, conservatorship, and probate, and the advice appropriate to help them and their loved ones achieve their expectations. I stay in contact with my clients and make sure their plans will be effective when most needed. This is the most popular reason clients hire me. What differentiates me from other attorneys is that I have spent many years developing and updating the provisions I use in creating trusts, wills, powers of attorney, and living wills designed to provide maximum protection for my clients, their families, and their hard earned wealth. I listen to my clients and convey difficult, non-intuitive concepts in a way that is easily understood. I begin by collecting information that induces prospective clients to think about what is important to them so that when we meet, I can listen to them tell me about themselves, their values, their families, and their intentions. I recognize that their wealth is also important to clients with little money. Every family has issues that should be discussed so that the client can choose his or her own way of dealing with their own family dynamics I can provide inexpensive and easy solutions using beneficiary deeds, POD accounts, and beneficiary designations to pass assets without using a trust or a probate, if it’s not necessary. Most of my clients are referred by financial advisors and satisfied clients who already trust me. I asked my clients to put aside their pre-conceived ideas of what they want and instead, focus on whether they like me. Not all lawyers are for all clients. I can’t write poetry or solve quadratic equations and I certainly can’t do the work most of my clients do, but I can create great estate plans. If you would like to work with me and my team, please give me a call at (480) 945-9131.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

What is Estate Planning | Arizona

Mark Bregman


Estate planning is all about controlling your property while you are alive and well. Naming who takes care of you and your finances when you are unable to do so yourself, and providing for your loved ones after your gone the way you want, when you want, and how you want all at the lowest possible cost taking into consideration expenses, taxes, and fees. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out how I can use my experience to design a comfortable and affordable plan for you and your loved ones.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

Estate planning is all about controlling your property while you are alive and well. Naming who takes care of you and your finances when you are unable to do so yourself, and providing for your loved ones after your gone the way you want, when you want, and how you want all at the lowest possible cost taking into consideration expenses, taxes, and fees. I’m Mark Bregman. Contact me at (480) 945-9131 to find out how I can use my experience to design a comfortable and affordable plan for you and your loved ones.

By: Attorney Mark Bregman

What is a Medical Power of Attorney | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Chris Hildebrand


Medical Power of Attorney

I want to speak to you today regarding what a medical power of attorney is in the state of Arizona. A medical power of attorney is a legal document allowing a person to designate another person to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event they are incapacitated and unable to make those decisions for themselves.


A medical power of attorney is effective until it is subsequently revoked, upon any expiration date set forth in the document, or upon the person’s recovery from the condition that rendered him or her unable to make their own medical decisions. The patient’s physician makes a determination whether a person is or is not incapacitated for the purpose of determining if the patient or the person designated in the health care power of attorney will be authorized to make medical decisions.

Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any other questions regarding a medical power of attorney in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand

Medical Power of Attorney

I want to speak to you today regarding what a medical power of attorney is in the state of Arizona. A medical power of attorney is a legal document allowing a person to designate another person to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event they are incapacitated and unable to make those decisions for themselves.


A medical power of attorney is effective until it is subsequently revoked, upon any expiration date set forth in the document, or upon the person’s recovery from the condition that rendered him or her unable to make their own medical decisions. The patient’s physician makes a determination whether a person is or is not incapacitated for the purpose of determining if the patient or the person designated in the health care power of attorney will be authorized to make medical decisions.

Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any other questions regarding a medical power of attorney in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand

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Estate Planning Articles

Using a Trust to Protect Your Assets

When you create a Trust (watch attorney, Mark Bregman, explain), you may believe you are automatically protected against loss -- and with…

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