Lawyers Seek the Truth | Houston Criminal Law

Dan Cogdell | 775 Views | 09/10/2015

Becoming a Lawyer in Houston

When I went to law school many years ago, I thought my job description was going to be completely different than it is. I thought I would obtain acquittals, and help my clients get found not guilty by tricky and deceit, and by cross-examining law enforcement officers, and getting them to admit stuff that they didn’t want to admit, putting words in their mouth, and doing all this sort of magic stuff. You know the irony of it is 32 years later, I’ve realized that what I’m supposed to be doing is seeking the truth.

Federal Government

Now, a few years back, I had a client in the Branch Dividian case. That case much as any other case in my history, changed the way I look at my federal government, because I understand how duplicitous and how false they can be. They had all these catch phrases, buzz words, and slogans for what they did. They called their initial party a search warrant party. Does that look like a party to you? Or does that look like about 40 men running in SWAT gear. It doesn’t look like much of a party to me.

They said that the FBI had snipers and they called them forward looking observers. See, I don’t think this fellow here, is a forward looking observer. He’s a sniper that’s set to kill somebody, and he’s smiling like a boy scout. They called these big things moving around on the Branch Dividian property, people movers. Does that look like a people mover to you? I called it a tank, because it was a tank that they had brought in to the property.

They said that Byran Sage was– he was their lead negotiator, the head FBI negotiator. He was very concerned, he was very traumatic, and traumatized after the fire. Does he look traumatized to you? He looks like to me, somebody that just killed a 20 point buck and that’s a trophy shot. Here’s the point. Your government, as noble as they should be, and as noble as they can be, sometimes our government lies cheats, and steals, and sometimes they tell the truth.

Cogdell Law Firm

But you want a lawyer that forces them to tell the truth. If I can help you, if you have questions, if you have comments, or you want to discuss your federal case, call me. My name is Dan Cogdell I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Lawyers Seek the Truth | Houston Criminal Law

Becoming a Lawyer in Houston

When I went to law school many years ago, I thought my job description was going to be completely different than it is. I thought I would obtain acquittals, and help my clients get found not guilty by tricky and deceit, and by cross-examining law enforcement officers, and getting them to admit stuff that they didn’t want to admit, putting words in their mouth, and doing all this sort of magic stuff. You know the irony of it is 32 years later, I’ve realized that what I’m supposed to be doing is seeking the truth.

Federal Government

Now, a few years back, I had a client in the Branch Dividian case. That case much as any other case in my history, changed the way I look at my federal government, because I understand how duplicitous and how false they can be. They had all these catch phrases, buzz words, and slogans for what they did. They called their initial party a search warrant party. Does that look like a party to you? Or does that look like about 40 men running in SWAT gear. It doesn’t look like much of a party to me.

They said that the FBI had snipers and they called them forward looking observers. See, I don’t think this fellow here, is a forward looking observer. He’s a sniper that’s set to kill somebody, and he’s smiling like a boy scout. They called these big things moving around on the Branch Dividian property, people movers. Does that look like a people mover to you? I called it a tank, because it was a tank that they had brought in to the property.

They said that Byran Sage was– he was their lead negotiator, the head FBI negotiator. He was very concerned, he was very traumatic, and traumatized after the fire. Does he look traumatized to you? He looks like to me, somebody that just killed a 20 point buck and that’s a trophy shot. Here’s the point. Your government, as noble as they should be, and as noble as they can be, sometimes our government lies cheats, and steals, and sometimes they tell the truth.

Cogdell Law Firm

But you want a lawyer that forces them to tell the truth. If I can help you, if you have questions, if you have comments, or you want to discuss your federal case, call me. My name is Dan Cogdell I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.