Issued Search Warrants – What Are My Rights | Houston Criminal Law

Dan Cogdell | 1180 Views | 08/26/2015


Law enforcement has just hit your house or your office with a search warrant, what do you do? My name is Dan Cogdell, I’m a criminal defense lawyer here in Texas. I’ve been practicing in this state for 32 years.

Don’t Resist or Start Confrontation

Here’s a few things you need to know if law enforcement has come to your house or your place of business with a search warrant, the first thing that you need to know is that you shouldn’t resist. Don’t argue with the agents. Don’t get in a confrontation with the agents. Don’t get in any sort of disagreements with the agents. They have a lawful right to be there, and a judge has made a legal determination that being there is proper and lawful, so don’t argue with them and don’t confront them.

You May Not Be Required to Answer Their Questions

The second thing that you need to know is just because they are lawfully there doesn’t mean that are you required to stay there generally speaking, unless you’re ordered to do so by law enforcement, and more importantly it doesn’t mean that you are required to answer their questions, you’re not. Just because they have a search warrant doesn’t mean that you’re legally bound to answer their questions.

Call an Experienced Lawyer

The third thing that you need to know if your home or your place of business has been the recipient of a search warrant is call an experienced practitioner. Call somebody who knows what to do and who can help you. Call me here at the Cogdell Law Firm. My name is Dan Cogdell, thank you for listening.

By: Dan Cogdell

Issued Search Warrants – What Are My Rights | Houston Criminal Law


Law enforcement has just hit your house or your office with a search warrant, what do you do? My name is Dan Cogdell, I’m a criminal defense lawyer here in Texas. I’ve been practicing in this state for 32 years.

Don’t Resist or Start Confrontation

Here’s a few things you need to know if law enforcement has come to your house or your place of business with a search warrant, the first thing that you need to know is that you shouldn’t resist. Don’t argue with the agents. Don’t get in a confrontation with the agents. Don’t get in any sort of disagreements with the agents. They have a lawful right to be there, and a judge has made a legal determination that being there is proper and lawful, so don’t argue with them and don’t confront them.

You May Not Be Required to Answer Their Questions

The second thing that you need to know is just because they are lawfully there doesn’t mean that are you required to stay there generally speaking, unless you’re ordered to do so by law enforcement, and more importantly it doesn’t mean that you are required to answer their questions, you’re not. Just because they have a search warrant doesn’t mean that you’re legally bound to answer their questions.

Call an Experienced Lawyer

The third thing that you need to know if your home or your place of business has been the recipient of a search warrant is call an experienced practitioner. Call somebody who knows what to do and who can help you. Call me here at the Cogdell Law Firm. My name is Dan Cogdell, thank you for listening.

By: Dan Cogdell