Innocent Until Proven Guilty | Houston Criminal Law

Dan Cogdell | 990 Views | 08/31/2015

Presumption of Innocence

Hi. My name is Dan Cogdell. I’m a lawyer here in Houston. I’ve been practicing law here for 32 years. I want to talk to you briefly about the presumption of innocence, because right now you may not feel like there’s a lot of presumption of innocence in your case. You might feel like because you’ve been charged or arrested or suspected of a crime, that you’ve been presumed to be guilty. The law is exactly opposite. You are presumed to be innocent, even after you’ve been arrested, even after you’ve been charged, even after you’ve been indicted, even after you’ve been brought to trial. The law presumes you to be innocent. Make sure you understand that. Make sure you hire a lawyer that can convey that. Make sure you hire a lawyer that believes that.


Everyday, we read about fine young men and women who are giving their lives in this country, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, or wherever, in support of our Constitution. One of the bedrock principles of that Constitution is the presumption of innocence. It’s the obligation of your lawyer to effectively explain that, believe that, and live that for your benefit. If you have questions about the presumption of innocence, you have questions about the burden of proof, if you have questions about the right to remain silent, or anything else involved in you case, call us. We’re happy to help. Thank you.

By: Dan Cogdell

Innocent Until Proven Guilty | Houston Criminal Law

Presumption of Innocence

Hi. My name is Dan Cogdell. I’m a lawyer here in Houston. I’ve been practicing law here for 32 years. I want to talk to you briefly about the presumption of innocence, because right now you may not feel like there’s a lot of presumption of innocence in your case. You might feel like because you’ve been charged or arrested or suspected of a crime, that you’ve been presumed to be guilty. The law is exactly opposite. You are presumed to be innocent, even after you’ve been arrested, even after you’ve been charged, even after you’ve been indicted, even after you’ve been brought to trial. The law presumes you to be innocent. Make sure you understand that. Make sure you hire a lawyer that can convey that. Make sure you hire a lawyer that believes that.


Everyday, we read about fine young men and women who are giving their lives in this country, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, or wherever, in support of our Constitution. One of the bedrock principles of that Constitution is the presumption of innocence. It’s the obligation of your lawyer to effectively explain that, believe that, and live that for your benefit. If you have questions about the presumption of innocence, you have questions about the burden of proof, if you have questions about the right to remain silent, or anything else involved in you case, call us. We’re happy to help. Thank you.

By: Dan Cogdell