Hiring a Criminal Lawyer – Felony Offenses | Houston Criminal Law

Dan Cogdell | 1188 Views | 08/26/2015

Being Charged With a Felony Offense

You’ve just been charged with a felony offense here in Texas, and you’re looking around on the Internet, and you come across all these lawyers.

Hello, my name is Dan Cogdell. I’m a criminal defense lawyer here in Texas, and I have been for 32 years. Let me just cut to the chase and tell you the backstory behind a lot of lawyers’ websites. First and foremost, no lawyer can guarantee or predict any result. First off, no lawyer can ethically guarantee you any result. You can’t diagnose a patient over the phone if you’re a physician and you can’t guarantee a result over the phone or in a first meeting with a lawyer.

Criminal Lawyer Dismissal Records

If a lawyer is promising you anything or guaranteeing you anything, you need to walk out of that lawyer’s office as quickly as you can. Secondly, the whole notion of dismissals can be quite misleading. Many times, in fact probably most of the time, when you see a lawyer’s website touting their dismissal rate, they’re not true dismissals at all. They’re a type of probation or deferred adjudication that the client successfully completes sometimes after years of being placed on deferred adjudication and reporting and doing community service and paying restitution and on and on and on. And when the client successfully completes those terms and conditions of probation, the lawyer then magically comes in and touts it as a dismissal.

Find out if the lawyer that you’re talking to is telling you the truth. Find out if those dismissals are really dismissals or they’re a lawyer’s version of advertising. Here is the harsh reality. You can’t trust every lawyer just because they put something on their website for it to be true. Call us. If we can help you, we will. If we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that as well. Thank you.

By: Dan Cogdell

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer – Felony Offenses | Houston Criminal Law

Being Charged With a Felony Offense

You’ve just been charged with a felony offense here in Texas, and you’re looking around on the Internet, and you come across all these lawyers.

Hello, my name is Dan Cogdell. I’m a criminal defense lawyer here in Texas, and I have been for 32 years. Let me just cut to the chase and tell you the backstory behind a lot of lawyers’ websites. First and foremost, no lawyer can guarantee or predict any result. First off, no lawyer can ethically guarantee you any result. You can’t diagnose a patient over the phone if you’re a physician and you can’t guarantee a result over the phone or in a first meeting with a lawyer.

Criminal Lawyer Dismissal Records

If a lawyer is promising you anything or guaranteeing you anything, you need to walk out of that lawyer’s office as quickly as you can. Secondly, the whole notion of dismissals can be quite misleading. Many times, in fact probably most of the time, when you see a lawyer’s website touting their dismissal rate, they’re not true dismissals at all. They’re a type of probation or deferred adjudication that the client successfully completes sometimes after years of being placed on deferred adjudication and reporting and doing community service and paying restitution and on and on and on. And when the client successfully completes those terms and conditions of probation, the lawyer then magically comes in and touts it as a dismissal.

Find out if the lawyer that you’re talking to is telling you the truth. Find out if those dismissals are really dismissals or they’re a lawyer’s version of advertising. Here is the harsh reality. You can’t trust every lawyer just because they put something on their website for it to be true. Call us. If we can help you, we will. If we can’t help you, we’ll tell you that as well. Thank you.

By: Dan Cogdell