If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Attorney | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 418 Views | 08/08/2016

If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Attorney

If you’re currently represented by an attorney in a personal injury case, and you are not satisfied with the representation you’re getting, simply pick up the phone and talk to or make an appointment to meet with your attorney to address your concerns and any complaints or questions you might have. Many times those concerns can get resolved by a simple phone call or an in-person meeting. But if your concerns are not addressed satisfactorily, then the best thing to do is consult with another attorney. Typically, that consultation is going to be free of charge, won’t cost you anything, but you may be able to get a second opinion which can help you make a decision as to whether it’s in your best interest to stick with your current attorney or switch attorneys.

If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Attorney | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Attorney

If you’re currently represented by an attorney in a personal injury case, and you are not satisfied with the representation you’re getting, simply pick up the phone and talk to or make an appointment to meet with your attorney to address your concerns and any complaints or questions you might have. Many times those concerns can get resolved by a simple phone call or an in-person meeting. But if your concerns are not addressed satisfactorily, then the best thing to do is consult with another attorney. Typically, that consultation is going to be free of charge, won’t cost you anything, but you may be able to get a second opinion which can help you make a decision as to whether it’s in your best interest to stick with your current attorney or switch attorneys.