Dividing Pension | Piscataway Divorce

Christina Previte | 474 Views | 11/20/2015

Dividing Pension

This is a questions that tends to be of particular concern to police officers and firemen. However, it applies to anyone who has a pension. Generally, any property acquired over the course of the marriage which includes the value of a pension is subject to equitable distribution. That doesn’t mean it’s automatically 50/50 but unless the parties agree otherwise it’s usually split 50/50.

Pension Evaluation

If you really want to keep the pension you can buy out your spouses interest in your pension. That requires a pension evaluation. Once you can put a dollar amount on your spouse’s share of the pension you can talk about how you would pay them. That could be from your share of the equity in the house or from savings or from some other asset, or there could be a payment plan. There are creative ways for you to keep you pension. However, it does require some compromises in other places. We can help you figure out the best way to do that based upon the circumstances of your case.

By: Christina Previte

Dividing Pension | Piscataway Divorce

Dividing Pension

This is a questions that tends to be of particular concern to police officers and firemen. However, it applies to anyone who has a pension. Generally, any property acquired over the course of the marriage which includes the value of a pension is subject to equitable distribution. That doesn’t mean it’s automatically 50/50 but unless the parties agree otherwise it’s usually split 50/50.

Pension Evaluation

If you really want to keep the pension you can buy out your spouses interest in your pension. That requires a pension evaluation. Once you can put a dollar amount on your spouse’s share of the pension you can talk about how you would pay them. That could be from your share of the equity in the house or from savings or from some other asset, or there could be a payment plan. There are creative ways for you to keep you pension. However, it does require some compromises in other places. We can help you figure out the best way to do that based upon the circumstances of your case.

By: Christina Previte