Kerry Burleigh – Profile Video | North Carolina Family Law

Kerry Burleigh | 314 Views | 03/12/2015

After seeing the pain and devastation in those drawings, I can’t help but feel the grief and frustration of those children. How confusing and unsettling the divorce was for them, and has been for so many others.  There’s nothing more heartbreaking than children caught in the middle of a bitter divorce contest. Parents know this. No one wants it for their children. And so, more and more people who are facing the crisis of divorce, are looking for a legal process that will protect their rights. But that won’t pull them into even more conflict than they’re already experiencing.

Collaborative divorce is a way for families in conflict to avoid going to court, and having a judge tell them how they’re going to raise their children. When the collaborative divorce process was first explained to me, over a decade ago. I almost immediately knew this is how I want to spend the rest of my legal career. I’d always known that I wanted to help people resolve conflicts. And for many years, I did that by taking cases to court. But the winner take all approach of the courtroom, so damaging to families. And especially to children. With the collaborative divorce method, I’m able to help people resolve their conflicts. But now I’m doing it in a way that is much more likely to help couples and families after divorce, move on with dignity and with hope. One of the things I appreciate about collaborative divorce, and what draws me to practicing it. Is the way that it focuses parent on problem solving, for the needs of their children. Both during the divorce, and for their future. So even if they have to raise their children from two different homes, they can still be the great parents they’ve always tried to be. We invite you to spend some more time on our website. We have lots of information about the collaborative divorce process.

We have the North Carolina Collaborative Divorce Guide. We have a video series called, Divorce Without Drama. We have frequently asked questions. We’d really like for you to understand the collaborative divorce option before you make decisions. And of course we’d welcome a call, and we’d be happy to setup an appointment to speak with you.

By: Kerry Burleigh

Kerry Burleigh – Profile Video | North Carolina Family Law

After seeing the pain and devastation in those drawings, I can’t help but feel the grief and frustration of those children. How confusing and unsettling the divorce was for them, and has been for so many others.  There’s nothing more heartbreaking than children caught in the middle of a bitter divorce contest. Parents know this. No one wants it for their children. And so, more and more people who are facing the crisis of divorce, are looking for a legal process that will protect their rights. But that won’t pull them into even more conflict than they’re already experiencing.

Collaborative divorce is a way for families in conflict to avoid going to court, and having a judge tell them how they’re going to raise their children. When the collaborative divorce process was first explained to me, over a decade ago. I almost immediately knew this is how I want to spend the rest of my legal career. I’d always known that I wanted to help people resolve conflicts. And for many years, I did that by taking cases to court. But the winner take all approach of the courtroom, so damaging to families. And especially to children. With the collaborative divorce method, I’m able to help people resolve their conflicts. But now I’m doing it in a way that is much more likely to help couples and families after divorce, move on with dignity and with hope. One of the things I appreciate about collaborative divorce, and what draws me to practicing it. Is the way that it focuses parent on problem solving, for the needs of their children. Both during the divorce, and for their future. So even if they have to raise their children from two different homes, they can still be the great parents they’ve always tried to be. We invite you to spend some more time on our website. We have lots of information about the collaborative divorce process.

We have the North Carolina Collaborative Divorce Guide. We have a video series called, Divorce Without Drama. We have frequently asked questions. We’d really like for you to understand the collaborative divorce option before you make decisions. And of course we’d welcome a call, and we’d be happy to setup an appointment to speak with you.

By: Kerry Burleigh