Child Specialists During Divorce | North Carolina

Kerry Burleigh | 430 Views | 03/11/2015

Hi, I’m Mark Springfield, founder and partner in Springfield Collaborative Divorce.  Hi, I’m Doctor Brian Mackie, a child psychologist, and I am the voice of your child in this process. Hi. I’m Kerry Burleigh, law partner at Springfield Collaborative Divorce.

A common question I get from couples with children is, “Do I really need to involve a child specialist? My children seem to be doing okay.” My answer is always, “Please, for the sake of your children, seriously consider involving a child specialist.” A child specialist can have a dramatic impact on how well your children make this life transition. What children need most during a time of great uncertainty is to have their needs understood, and to have their needs considered as part of the family’s future. The most important benefit of Collaborative Divorce is that children get a voice in their future. This voice empowers them, helping them to feel connected, confident, and comfortable, in what would ordinarily be a very scary and confusing time in their life.

Having this voice produces healthier children and healthier families. In this process, your child works with someone like me. Someone fun and entertaining, a child psychologist specifically trained as an expert on the impact of divorce on children. The child specialist focuses on helping your child relax, and share their true feelings, desires, and worries about the future. The child specialist then sits down with the parents, and shares the needs of the children in a clear caring way. And serves as a resource for them going forward, to address their questions and concerns. Even if your children are doing exceptionally well, or even just doing fine, hearing that they’re okay from a trusted neutral expert on child development, can build a huge amount of confidence for parents. Helping free them up to make difficult decisions with a crystal clear understanding of their children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs. In our process, you get your questions answered, your concerns heard and addressed, and most importantly, you get concrete, caring, expert advice on what you as a parent can do to help your child in this process, and what to expect going forward.

There are no one-size-fits-all parenting plans. Parenting plans need to take into account the specific needs of each family. And while I as an attorney, can evaluate your situation and give my professional advice, as to how a court might deal with your custody dispute. I’m not trained to provide you information about how your children are handling the separation, what their concerns are, or what you can do to protect them from any negative effects of your divorce. A child specialist does have this training, and good ones provide this powerful information in a way that allows parents to craft the best possible parenting plan for their children.

By: Kerry Burleigh

Child Specialists During Divorce | North Carolina

Hi, I’m Mark Springfield, founder and partner in Springfield Collaborative Divorce.  Hi, I’m Doctor Brian Mackie, a child psychologist, and I am the voice of your child in this process. Hi. I’m Kerry Burleigh, law partner at Springfield Collaborative Divorce.

A common question I get from couples with children is, “Do I really need to involve a child specialist? My children seem to be doing okay.” My answer is always, “Please, for the sake of your children, seriously consider involving a child specialist.” A child specialist can have a dramatic impact on how well your children make this life transition. What children need most during a time of great uncertainty is to have their needs understood, and to have their needs considered as part of the family’s future. The most important benefit of Collaborative Divorce is that children get a voice in their future. This voice empowers them, helping them to feel connected, confident, and comfortable, in what would ordinarily be a very scary and confusing time in their life.

Having this voice produces healthier children and healthier families. In this process, your child works with someone like me. Someone fun and entertaining, a child psychologist specifically trained as an expert on the impact of divorce on children. The child specialist focuses on helping your child relax, and share their true feelings, desires, and worries about the future. The child specialist then sits down with the parents, and shares the needs of the children in a clear caring way. And serves as a resource for them going forward, to address their questions and concerns. Even if your children are doing exceptionally well, or even just doing fine, hearing that they’re okay from a trusted neutral expert on child development, can build a huge amount of confidence for parents. Helping free them up to make difficult decisions with a crystal clear understanding of their children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs. In our process, you get your questions answered, your concerns heard and addressed, and most importantly, you get concrete, caring, expert advice on what you as a parent can do to help your child in this process, and what to expect going forward.

There are no one-size-fits-all parenting plans. Parenting plans need to take into account the specific needs of each family. And while I as an attorney, can evaluate your situation and give my professional advice, as to how a court might deal with your custody dispute. I’m not trained to provide you information about how your children are handling the separation, what their concerns are, or what you can do to protect them from any negative effects of your divorce. A child specialist does have this training, and good ones provide this powerful information in a way that allows parents to craft the best possible parenting plan for their children.

By: Kerry Burleigh