Temporary Orders During Divorce | Atlanta Family Law

Scott Shaw | 599 Views | 10/23/2015

When Temporary Orders Take Effect

Temporary orders take effect during a divorce at the time the judge signs them and enters them with the clerk of court. It’s that simple. Once the order is signed, it gets entered with the clerk of court, there’s a file stamp date on it, the order is good and valid until either the divorce is dismissed, or a new order takes its place.

By: Scott Shaw

Temporary Orders During Divorce | Atlanta Family Law

When Temporary Orders Take Effect

Temporary orders take effect during a divorce at the time the judge signs them and enters them with the clerk of court. It’s that simple. Once the order is signed, it gets entered with the clerk of court, there’s a file stamp date on it, the order is good and valid until either the divorce is dismissed, or a new order takes its place.

By: Scott Shaw