Served Divorce Papers | Atlanta Family Law

Scott Shaw | 618 Views | 10/23/2015

Being Served Divorce Papers in Atlanta

After you’ve been served, you have 30 days to file an answer, and this is not something that you can or should ignore. If you do not file an answer, the other party can proceed forward, and after 45 days, ask the court to take a default judgment against you, which is not something you want to do. If you’ve been served with legal papers, you need to immediately contact an attorney, seek advice, and start planning on how to respond. It may be a case that perhaps we can settle quickly, or maybe a case that will be required to be contested. Contact an attorney immediately.

By: Scott Shaw

Served Divorce Papers | Atlanta Family Law

Being Served Divorce Papers in Atlanta

After you’ve been served, you have 30 days to file an answer, and this is not something that you can or should ignore. If you do not file an answer, the other party can proceed forward, and after 45 days, ask the court to take a default judgment against you, which is not something you want to do. If you’ve been served with legal papers, you need to immediately contact an attorney, seek advice, and start planning on how to respond. It may be a case that perhaps we can settle quickly, or maybe a case that will be required to be contested. Contact an attorney immediately.

By: Scott Shaw