Dividing Military Pensions | Atlanta Divorce Laws

Scott Shaw | 627 Views | 11/09/2015

Military Pension Division in Atlanta

In a divorce in Georgia, an issue that often comes up is how do you divide a military pension? Under federal law, a military pension is considered to be marital property in a divorce. Now the entirety of the military pension may not be marital, but the portion that you earn during the marriage is subject to be divided in the state of Georgia.

So one of the first challenges you have is to ascertain what portion of your military pension is going to be marital property and subject to division and what portion is not, and therefore you’ll get to keep without dividing it with your spouse, and this is not an issue. It’s just any attorney can figure out for you.

Common Misconceptions

It’s often mistakes are often made on it. Another misconception for military pensions is people often think that you have to be in the military for ten years in order for a pension to be divided, but that’s not true. The ten year rule only applies to how long you have to be married if you want the military to garnish your share of the pension.

If you’re married for less than ten years, the pension is still subject to be divided. You just have to get it paid directly from the spouse who receives the military pension. Military pensions are a frequent issue in divorce. Shaw Law Firm has handled many of these. If you have any questions, we’d be happy to take your telephone calls or inquiries. Thank you.

By: Scott Shaw

Dividing Military Pensions | Atlanta Divorce Laws

Military Pension Division in Atlanta

In a divorce in Georgia, an issue that often comes up is how do you divide a military pension? Under federal law, a military pension is considered to be marital property in a divorce. Now the entirety of the military pension may not be marital, but the portion that you earn during the marriage is subject to be divided in the state of Georgia.

So one of the first challenges you have is to ascertain what portion of your military pension is going to be marital property and subject to division and what portion is not, and therefore you’ll get to keep without dividing it with your spouse, and this is not an issue. It’s just any attorney can figure out for you.

Common Misconceptions

It’s often mistakes are often made on it. Another misconception for military pensions is people often think that you have to be in the military for ten years in order for a pension to be divided, but that’s not true. The ten year rule only applies to how long you have to be married if you want the military to garnish your share of the pension.

If you’re married for less than ten years, the pension is still subject to be divided. You just have to get it paid directly from the spouse who receives the military pension. Military pensions are a frequent issue in divorce. Shaw Law Firm has handled many of these. If you have any questions, we’d be happy to take your telephone calls or inquiries. Thank you.

By: Scott Shaw