How Long Does Divorce Take | Atlanta Family Law

Scott Shaw | 582 Views | 10/22/2015

Divorce Length in Atlanta

That can vary quite a bit. Divorces vary from uncontested divorces where all the issues are agreed to, to outright wars. An uncontested divorce, usually you can get it done – if there’s an agreement on all issues – within 60 to 90 days.

As for the most outrageous divorces, the ones that carry on the longest, 18 months to 2 years. At Shaw Law Firm, we strive to push our cases forward. We like to solve problems. We get to the nitty gritty of the issues, so we try to move things forward quicker, so our cases generally 6 to 18 months is probably the longest case we’ll have, but there are some divorces that can stretch out even longer.

By: Scott Shaw

How Long Does Divorce Take | Atlanta Family Law

Divorce Length in Atlanta

That can vary quite a bit. Divorces vary from uncontested divorces where all the issues are agreed to, to outright wars. An uncontested divorce, usually you can get it done – if there’s an agreement on all issues – within 60 to 90 days.

As for the most outrageous divorces, the ones that carry on the longest, 18 months to 2 years. At Shaw Law Firm, we strive to push our cases forward. We like to solve problems. We get to the nitty gritty of the issues, so we try to move things forward quicker, so our cases generally 6 to 18 months is probably the longest case we’ll have, but there are some divorces that can stretch out even longer.

By: Scott Shaw