Can I Sue If I Am Cited For Accident | Orlando Auto Accident

Melvin Wright | 711 Views | 09/28/2015

One of the most common questions we get from car accident victims is: If I get cited for the accident, can I still sue?

Of course you can. The police officer wasn’t a witness to the accident in most cases, as a result, it doesn’t matter who gets the ticket. The jury decides who should’ve gotten the ticket. Call us with any questions about your car accident claim. I’m Mel Wright, I’m a partner at Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. Call us at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright

Can I Sue If I Am Cited For Accident | Orlando Auto Accident

One of the most common questions we get from car accident victims is: If I get cited for the accident, can I still sue?

Of course you can. The police officer wasn’t a witness to the accident in most cases, as a result, it doesn’t matter who gets the ticket. The jury decides who should’ve gotten the ticket. Call us with any questions about your car accident claim. I’m Mel Wright, I’m a partner at Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter. Call us at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Mel Wright