Nursing Home Injury | Orlando Personal Injury

Nathan Carter | 865 Views | 09/25/2015

Nursing Home Injury

If you suspect a loved one has been hurt in a nursing home in Florida, it’s important to document that right away. A lot of times I tell clients to take notes, take pictures, document things while it’s fresh in your mind. Also, you can call The Agency for Healthcare. You can Google that and find their number. They have a 1-800 number. Also, The Department of Children and Families has an elder abuse hotline. If you call those numbers they will send people in to take witness statements, take pictures, and also document the incident. It’s also important that you call us right away. We’ve handled hundreds of nursing home cases all across the state of Florida. A lot of times after we get the chart and have it reviewed by our experts, we find issues that the family was not even aware of. So if you suspect abuse in a nursing home in Florida, call me, Nathan Carter at Calling, Gilbert, Wright, and Carter at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Nursing Home Injury | Orlando Personal Injury

Nursing Home Injury

If you suspect a loved one has been hurt in a nursing home in Florida, it’s important to document that right away. A lot of times I tell clients to take notes, take pictures, document things while it’s fresh in your mind. Also, you can call The Agency for Healthcare. You can Google that and find their number. They have a 1-800 number. Also, The Department of Children and Families has an elder abuse hotline. If you call those numbers they will send people in to take witness statements, take pictures, and also document the incident. It’s also important that you call us right away. We’ve handled hundreds of nursing home cases all across the state of Florida. A lot of times after we get the chart and have it reviewed by our experts, we find issues that the family was not even aware of. So if you suspect abuse in a nursing home in Florida, call me, Nathan Carter at Calling, Gilbert, Wright, and Carter at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter