IVC Filter Litigation | Stuart

Travis Walker | 665 Views | 04/04/2016

IVC Filter Lawsuit

Warning. The FDA has warned that IVC filters can cause serious health risks, and even death. If you or a loved one had an IVC implant to prevent blood clots, and the IVC filter broke and needs to be removed, causing additional injuries including heart damage, lung damage, internal bleeding, or death, you may be entitled to compensation, but you must act immediately to protect your legal right. Contact the law offices of Travis R. Walker, P.A. Call us at 772-708-0952 today.

By: Travis Walker

IVC Filter Litigation | Stuart

IVC Filter Lawsuit

Warning. The FDA has warned that IVC filters can cause serious health risks, and even death. If you or a loved one had an IVC implant to prevent blood clots, and the IVC filter broke and needs to be removed, causing additional injuries including heart damage, lung damage, internal bleeding, or death, you may be entitled to compensation, but you must act immediately to protect your legal right. Contact the law offices of Travis R. Walker, P.A. Call us at 772-708-0952 today.

By: Travis Walker