Victim Of A Hit And Run | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 443 Views | 08/03/2016

Victim Of A Hit And Run

Two things you want to do if you believe you were the victim of a hit and run in Florida. One, you always want to make sure in Florida that you carry uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage under your own policy. Oftentimes, because of a phantom vehicle or a hit-and-run vehicle, you can look to your own insurance coverage to recover for your damages or loss if the at-fault hit-and-run driver is unable to be identified. Two, it’s imperative that you contact the police so that the hit-and-run crash is documented. That way, possibility, the police can identify the vehicle through witnesses, and at least it’s documented that there has been a crash that caused either injuries to yourself or property damage to your vehicle.

Victim Of A Hit And Run | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Victim Of A Hit And Run

Two things you want to do if you believe you were the victim of a hit and run in Florida. One, you always want to make sure in Florida that you carry uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage under your own policy. Oftentimes, because of a phantom vehicle or a hit-and-run vehicle, you can look to your own insurance coverage to recover for your damages or loss if the at-fault hit-and-run driver is unable to be identified. Two, it’s imperative that you contact the police so that the hit-and-run crash is documented. That way, possibility, the police can identify the vehicle through witnesses, and at least it’s documented that there has been a crash that caused either injuries to yourself or property damage to your vehicle.