Value Of A Case | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 454 Views | 08/02/2016

Value Of A Case

Most clients or most consumers always want to know how much their case is worth, but most lawyers will tell you that they don’t know what your case is worth. There’s two values to your case: the amount that an insurance company is voluntarily willing to pay to settle your case, or the amount that a jury will later tell you your case is worth after hearing all the evidence in your case. And while most cases do settle before trial, the overall economic and non-economic damages in your case must be assessed by not only your attorneys but also the insurance company or the defense lawyers and then hopefully the parties can come to a reasonable compromise or an agreement on the value of the case for settlement purposes. If not, the case will go to trial and a jury will determine what they believe the case is worth after hearing all of the evidence presented by all sides of the case.

Value Of A Case | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Value Of A Case

Most clients or most consumers always want to know how much their case is worth, but most lawyers will tell you that they don’t know what your case is worth. There’s two values to your case: the amount that an insurance company is voluntarily willing to pay to settle your case, or the amount that a jury will later tell you your case is worth after hearing all the evidence in your case. And while most cases do settle before trial, the overall economic and non-economic damages in your case must be assessed by not only your attorneys but also the insurance company or the defense lawyers and then hopefully the parties can come to a reasonable compromise or an agreement on the value of the case for settlement purposes. If not, the case will go to trial and a jury will determine what they believe the case is worth after hearing all of the evidence presented by all sides of the case.