Partial Fault In A Car Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 481 Views | 08/02/2016

Partial Fault In A Car Accident

Yes, you can in the State of Florida. There are some states where if you’re involved in an automobile accident and you’re found to even be a small percentage at fault, you are completely barred or precluded from recovery even though the other driver may have also been at fault. Florida, however, is a pure comparative negligence state. So, if there is a determination that both both drivers are at fault, regardless of the percentage, you are still permitted in Florida to recover for your damages even if you are determined to be at fault or partially at fault. So, you want to hire a lawyer that is reputable in handling claims to assess comparative fault issues in an automobile accident case.

Partial Fault In A Car Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Partial Fault In A Car Accident

Yes, you can in the State of Florida. There are some states where if you’re involved in an automobile accident and you’re found to even be a small percentage at fault, you are completely barred or precluded from recovery even though the other driver may have also been at fault. Florida, however, is a pure comparative negligence state. So, if there is a determination that both both drivers are at fault, regardless of the percentage, you are still permitted in Florida to recover for your damages even if you are determined to be at fault or partially at fault. So, you want to hire a lawyer that is reputable in handling claims to assess comparative fault issues in an automobile accident case.