Motorcycle Accident Investigation | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 482 Views | 08/02/2016

Motorcycle Accident Investigation

The investigation of a motorcycle accident is critical. Oftentimes you will have many witnesses, for example in an intersection collision case, and several years later when you take the depositions or sworn statements of those witness who have all observed the same exact crash, they will have greatly varying versions of what actually happened. So the investigation of a motorcycle accident is critical; you have to preserve evidence at the scene. Where did the motorcycle come to rest? Where did the other vehicles come to rest? Where were witnesses when they observed what happened? Were there skid marks or gouge marks in the roadway?

It’s crucial that you investigate very soon after a motorcycle accident to preserve that evidence that will become critical in later reconstructing the accident to determine who was at fault for the crash.

Motorcycle Accident Investigation | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Motorcycle Accident Investigation

The investigation of a motorcycle accident is critical. Oftentimes you will have many witnesses, for example in an intersection collision case, and several years later when you take the depositions or sworn statements of those witness who have all observed the same exact crash, they will have greatly varying versions of what actually happened. So the investigation of a motorcycle accident is critical; you have to preserve evidence at the scene. Where did the motorcycle come to rest? Where did the other vehicles come to rest? Where were witnesses when they observed what happened? Were there skid marks or gouge marks in the roadway?

It’s crucial that you investigate very soon after a motorcycle accident to preserve that evidence that will become critical in later reconstructing the accident to determine who was at fault for the crash.