Misuse Of A Product | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 486 Views | 08/03/2016

Misuse Of A Product

Misuse of a product is always going to be a defense by the defendants and by their insurance company in a product liability or a product defect case. That does not necessarily mean that you cannot recover for injuries that result from a defective product. But what you want to do is make sure that you contact a reputable law firm that handles product liability cases and that has a good track record of getting good results in a product defect case– to assess that case. But understanding that even misuse, while it will always be a defense in the case, it doesn’t excuse negligence or strict liability on the part of the manufacturer or designer or even the seller of that defective product that injured you.

Misuse Of A Product | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Misuse Of A Product

Misuse of a product is always going to be a defense by the defendants and by their insurance company in a product liability or a product defect case. That does not necessarily mean that you cannot recover for injuries that result from a defective product. But what you want to do is make sure that you contact a reputable law firm that handles product liability cases and that has a good track record of getting good results in a product defect case– to assess that case. But understanding that even misuse, while it will always be a defense in the case, it doesn’t excuse negligence or strict liability on the part of the manufacturer or designer or even the seller of that defective product that injured you.