Experts Investigating A Motorcycle Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 462 Views | 08/03/2016

Experts Investigating A Motorcycle Accident

It is critical to have qualified experts to establish both liability and damages in a motorcycle accident case. We’ve had cases where there have been four or five witnesses that have observed a motorcycle accident, and invariably two years, three years later when you’re taking their depositions, they have completely inconsistent versions of what happened even though they all witnessed the same exact crash. So it’s important to have qualified, reputable experts that can talk to a jury about liability issues and can reconstruct the accident. Also, in motorcycle accident cases, you’re typically dealing with death or at least with catastrophic injuries. When you represent a motorcycle accident victim who has had catastrophic injuries, it’s important to have qualified medical experts that cannot only talk about current injuries but also assess future needs and future medical care required to treat what are oftentimes catastrophic injuries.

Experts Investigating A Motorcycle Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Experts Investigating A Motorcycle Accident

It is critical to have qualified experts to establish both liability and damages in a motorcycle accident case. We’ve had cases where there have been four or five witnesses that have observed a motorcycle accident, and invariably two years, three years later when you’re taking their depositions, they have completely inconsistent versions of what happened even though they all witnessed the same exact crash. So it’s important to have qualified, reputable experts that can talk to a jury about liability issues and can reconstruct the accident. Also, in motorcycle accident cases, you’re typically dealing with death or at least with catastrophic injuries. When you represent a motorcycle accident victim who has had catastrophic injuries, it’s important to have qualified medical experts that cannot only talk about current injuries but also assess future needs and future medical care required to treat what are oftentimes catastrophic injuries.