Cost To Bring An Auto Accident Claim | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 493 Views | 08/03/2016

Cost To Bring An Auto Accident Claim

Typically it will not. Most law firms in the state of Florida will handle automobile and trucking accident cases on what we call a contingent fee basis, and that is what the Florida bar permits us as lawyers to do to essentially level the playing field and be able to match the resources of the insurance companies and the trucking industry. It allows us to represent you as consumers who have been involved in an accident on a contingent fee basis, meaning that we as the lawyers don’t get paid until the end of the case and we only get paid at the end of the case if there’s been a recovery in your favor. It also allows us in a contingent fee representation situation to advance all of the costs on your behalf, and oftentimes in trucking cases and product liability cases and automobile cases the expenses can build up rather quickly. It allows us to advance those costs on your behalf and then recoup those costs at the end of the case if there’s been a successful recovery.

Cost To Bring An Auto Accident Claim | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Cost To Bring An Auto Accident Claim

Typically it will not. Most law firms in the state of Florida will handle automobile and trucking accident cases on what we call a contingent fee basis, and that is what the Florida bar permits us as lawyers to do to essentially level the playing field and be able to match the resources of the insurance companies and the trucking industry. It allows us to represent you as consumers who have been involved in an accident on a contingent fee basis, meaning that we as the lawyers don’t get paid until the end of the case and we only get paid at the end of the case if there’s been a recovery in your favor. It also allows us in a contingent fee representation situation to advance all of the costs on your behalf, and oftentimes in trucking cases and product liability cases and automobile cases the expenses can build up rather quickly. It allows us to advance those costs on your behalf and then recoup those costs at the end of the case if there’s been a successful recovery.