Attorney Fees And Contingency Fees | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 463 Views | 08/02/2016

Attorney Fees And Contingency Fees

Typically most attorneys in the state of Florida will charge on a contingent fee basis. And what that means – it allows us, or allows any attorney, to represent you as a consumer on a contingent fee basis meaning there’s no upfront fees and no upfront costs that have to be paid by you as a consumer. We are able to represent you and we don’t get paid until the end of the case and only if there’s a successful recovery on your behalf do we get a percentage of that recovery in attorney fees and do we recoup the cost that we have advanced on your behalf during our handling of the case.

Attorney Fees And Contingency Fees | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Attorney Fees And Contingency Fees

Typically most attorneys in the state of Florida will charge on a contingent fee basis. And what that means – it allows us, or allows any attorney, to represent you as a consumer on a contingent fee basis meaning there’s no upfront fees and no upfront costs that have to be paid by you as a consumer. We are able to represent you and we don’t get paid until the end of the case and only if there’s a successful recovery on your behalf do we get a percentage of that recovery in attorney fees and do we recoup the cost that we have advanced on your behalf during our handling of the case.