What Is Considered A Personal Injury | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 428 Views | 08/05/2016

What Is Considered A Personal Injury

A personal injury case typically refers to any case or claim in which a person is injured, as a result of the carelessness or negligence of another person or entity. Examples of personal injury cases would be slip and fall claims, medical malpractice, negligence security premises liability, boating accidents aviation claims, and other similar injury cases.

What Is Considered A Personal Injury | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

What Is Considered A Personal Injury

A personal injury case typically refers to any case or claim in which a person is injured, as a result of the carelessness or negligence of another person or entity. Examples of personal injury cases would be slip and fall claims, medical malpractice, negligence security premises liability, boating accidents aviation claims, and other similar injury cases.