What Is A Deposition | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 473 Views | 08/05/2016

What Is A Deposition

In any case in litigation, the parties are permitted to take depositions of witnesses, including depositions of the parties in the case. A deposition is basically an interview or a sworn statement, where the attorney for one side sits down at a conference room table and questions the witness or the other party under oath to obtain information and answers about the case.

What Is A Deposition | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

What Is A Deposition

In any case in litigation, the parties are permitted to take depositions of witnesses, including depositions of the parties in the case. A deposition is basically an interview or a sworn statement, where the attorney for one side sits down at a conference room table and questions the witness or the other party under oath to obtain information and answers about the case.