The Amount Of Time To Get To Trail | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 422 Views | 08/04/2016

The Amount Of Time To Get To Trail

In Florida a personal injury case generally takes anywhere from about 18 months to three years to get to trial from the date the accident happened. It sometimes can be shorter, sometimes can take a little longer, and it depends primarily on the Judge assigned to the case, the size of his or her docket, and other factors including the complexity of the case and any scheduling conflicts with the attorneys and the parties.

The Amount Of Time To Get To Trail | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

The Amount Of Time To Get To Trail

In Florida a personal injury case generally takes anywhere from about 18 months to three years to get to trial from the date the accident happened. It sometimes can be shorter, sometimes can take a little longer, and it depends primarily on the Judge assigned to the case, the size of his or her docket, and other factors including the complexity of the case and any scheduling conflicts with the attorneys and the parties.