Swimming Pool Owner Liability | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 433 Views | 08/04/2016

Swimming Pool Owner Liability

The owner of a swimming pool can sometimes be held legally liable for any accidents, injuries, or drownings that happen in the pool. But that depends on whether or not the owner took reasonable steps to prevent the accident from happening.

Common examples of reasonable steps that a swimming pool owner can take, is making sure that there is the appropriate fence or enclosure around the pool to prevent children from wondering into it, to make sure that it is adequately lit.

In certain circumstances making sure that there is a lifeguard, or making sure that other people are around to prevent accidents from happening. Another important thing is to pay close attention to the surface surrounding the pool, make sure that it is a non-slip or slip-resistant surface to prevent slip and fall type accidents in the pools area.

Swimming Pool Owner Liability | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Swimming Pool Owner Liability

The owner of a swimming pool can sometimes be held legally liable for any accidents, injuries, or drownings that happen in the pool. But that depends on whether or not the owner took reasonable steps to prevent the accident from happening.

Common examples of reasonable steps that a swimming pool owner can take, is making sure that there is the appropriate fence or enclosure around the pool to prevent children from wondering into it, to make sure that it is adequately lit.

In certain circumstances making sure that there is a lifeguard, or making sure that other people are around to prevent accidents from happening. Another important thing is to pay close attention to the surface surrounding the pool, make sure that it is a non-slip or slip-resistant surface to prevent slip and fall type accidents in the pools area.