Punitive Damages For An Auto Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 449 Views | 08/04/2016

Punitive Damages For An Auto Accident

In a Florida auto accident case you sometimes can recover punitive damages. These are damages that are different from compensatory damages, which are the damages that compensate you for your injuries. Punitive damages are designed to punish the wrongdoer. In Florida, punitive damages are available in a car accident case, only if you can establish that the defendant, or at-fault driver’s conduct, either was intentional or amounted to gross negligence, which is sometimes also referred to reckless conduct. So it’s a higher threshold that you have to establish in terms of the wrongfulness of the conduct, in order to be entitled to recover punitive damages in your case.

Punitive Damages For An Auto Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Punitive Damages For An Auto Accident

In a Florida auto accident case you sometimes can recover punitive damages. These are damages that are different from compensatory damages, which are the damages that compensate you for your injuries. Punitive damages are designed to punish the wrongdoer. In Florida, punitive damages are available in a car accident case, only if you can establish that the defendant, or at-fault driver’s conduct, either was intentional or amounted to gross negligence, which is sometimes also referred to reckless conduct. So it’s a higher threshold that you have to establish in terms of the wrongfulness of the conduct, in order to be entitled to recover punitive damages in your case.