Insurance Company Recorded Statement | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 396 Views | 08/04/2016

Insurance Company Recorded Statement

You are not required to give a recorded statement to the insurance company for the other driver or the other car involved in your car accident case. However, you typically will be required to give a recorded statement to your own insurance company if they ask for one. Due to the Cooperation Clause, it is typically included within every auto insurance policy. If you decide not to cooperate with your insurance company by giving the recorded statement, they can deny coverage. So, it’s important that you give a recorded statement if they requested. However, before giving any recorded statements, it’s important to make sure you talk to your attorney about it first.

Insurance Company Recorded Statement | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Insurance Company Recorded Statement

You are not required to give a recorded statement to the insurance company for the other driver or the other car involved in your car accident case. However, you typically will be required to give a recorded statement to your own insurance company if they ask for one. Due to the Cooperation Clause, it is typically included within every auto insurance policy. If you decide not to cooperate with your insurance company by giving the recorded statement, they can deny coverage. So, it’s important that you give a recorded statement if they requested. However, before giving any recorded statements, it’s important to make sure you talk to your attorney about it first.