Guilty For A Criminal Offense Charge | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense

Eric Romano | 421 Views | 08/04/2016

Guilty For A Criminal Offense Charge

So you’ve been arrested. You’re guilty. You feel that you don’t have any defense and you just want to get it over with and you wonder should you get an attorney. The answer is absolutely yes. Before making any decision regarding whether to plead guilty, to accept a plea agreement with the state, or to go to trial, or otherwise resolve your case you should absolutely talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney first. Because that attorney can review the evidence that the state has to determine whether and to what extend that evidence will be admissible against you, and how strong or how weak the government’s case against you may be. You want to make sure you have all that information and know your options before making a rash decision.

Guilty For A Criminal Offense Charge | Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense

Guilty For A Criminal Offense Charge

So you’ve been arrested. You’re guilty. You feel that you don’t have any defense and you just want to get it over with and you wonder should you get an attorney. The answer is absolutely yes. Before making any decision regarding whether to plead guilty, to accept a plea agreement with the state, or to go to trial, or otherwise resolve your case you should absolutely talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney first. Because that attorney can review the evidence that the state has to determine whether and to what extend that evidence will be admissible against you, and how strong or how weak the government’s case against you may be. You want to make sure you have all that information and know your options before making a rash decision.