Business Owner Safe Environment Liability | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 512 Views | 08/04/2016

Business Owner Safe Environment Liability

In Florida, a business owner has the legal responsibility to provide a reasonably safe premises or business for his or her employees, and for customers, and anybody else visiting the property. There are many ways to go about doing that, but first and foremost is to obtain from the local law enforcement agency crime reports showing crime in the area. Another way is to hire a security expert to do a security review – or security survey – to help provide guidance, suggestions, and input as to steps that could be taken, and those steps typically involve hiring extra security if necessary, providing adequate lighting, providing surveillance cameras, providing restricted or limited access to people, and taking other similar steps to ensure that the business is safe for those entering or doing business there.

Business Owner Safe Environment Liability | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Business Owner Safe Environment Liability

In Florida, a business owner has the legal responsibility to provide a reasonably safe premises or business for his or her employees, and for customers, and anybody else visiting the property. There are many ways to go about doing that, but first and foremost is to obtain from the local law enforcement agency crime reports showing crime in the area. Another way is to hire a security expert to do a security review – or security survey – to help provide guidance, suggestions, and input as to steps that could be taken, and those steps typically involve hiring extra security if necessary, providing adequate lighting, providing surveillance cameras, providing restricted or limited access to people, and taking other similar steps to ensure that the business is safe for those entering or doing business there.