Bicycle Accident Led To An Injury | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Eric Romano | 430 Views | 08/05/2016

Bicycle Accident Led To An Injury

If you’re injured while riding your bicycle here in Florida, you can sometimes recover benefits under your automobile insurance policy if you have one. That generally depends on whether your injuries where the result of an accident involving a motor vehicle. So as an example, if you’re riding your bicycle and you’re hit by a car, then you certainly may be entitled to benefits under your no fault coverage under your auto insurance policy and if you have UM, which uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage under your auto policy, then that may also provide benefits for you as well. On the other hand, if you’re riding your bicycle and you’re injured just because you ran off a curb or hit a tree and had nothing to do with a motor vehicle, you probably are not going to be entitled to benefits under your auto insurance policy.

Bicycle Accident Led To An Injury | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Bicycle Accident Led To An Injury

If you’re injured while riding your bicycle here in Florida, you can sometimes recover benefits under your automobile insurance policy if you have one. That generally depends on whether your injuries where the result of an accident involving a motor vehicle. So as an example, if you’re riding your bicycle and you’re hit by a car, then you certainly may be entitled to benefits under your no fault coverage under your auto insurance policy and if you have UM, which uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage under your auto policy, then that may also provide benefits for you as well. On the other hand, if you’re riding your bicycle and you’re injured just because you ran off a curb or hit a tree and had nothing to do with a motor vehicle, you probably are not going to be entitled to benefits under your auto insurance policy.