Difference Between Car And Truck Accidents | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

John Romano | 443 Views | 08/10/2016

Difference Between Car And Truck Accidents

There’s a big difference between investigating and assessing or evaluating a car wreck case from a big rig tractor trailer truck case. First, you have to remember that typically the trucking company has investigators, has experts, has its corporate representatives, and often even lawyers getting to the scene while the investigation is still taking place by law enforcement. That is very unusual and very different from what we have in a car wreck case. Also, there are certain federal regulations that apply to the big rig truck that do not apply in the car wreck case. You’re looking at different kinds of vehicles, different kinds of responsibilities, and remember we are basically amateurs when we drive cars whereas truck drivers are professionals and they are held to a higher standard. So the investigation must center in part on that, and on the conduct of the company employing the truck driver.

Difference Between Car And Truck Accidents | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Difference Between Car And Truck Accidents

There’s a big difference between investigating and assessing or evaluating a car wreck case from a big rig tractor trailer truck case. First, you have to remember that typically the trucking company has investigators, has experts, has its corporate representatives, and often even lawyers getting to the scene while the investigation is still taking place by law enforcement. That is very unusual and very different from what we have in a car wreck case. Also, there are certain federal regulations that apply to the big rig truck that do not apply in the car wreck case. You’re looking at different kinds of vehicles, different kinds of responsibilities, and remember we are basically amateurs when we drive cars whereas truck drivers are professionals and they are held to a higher standard. So the investigation must center in part on that, and on the conduct of the company employing the truck driver.