Deadlines To Filing A Claim, Semi-Truck Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

John Romano | 426 Views | 08/10/2016

Deadlines To Filing A Claim

There are very critical deadlines when it comes to filing suit after a big truck accident. In a death case, the statute of limitations runs two years from date of death. If it is a personal injury case in Florida, generally the statute is four years. However, there are certain time limits which may apply, which are different from that. For example, if it happens to be a big rig truck owned by the state of Florida or a governmental agency, there are certain notice requirements which have a three-year deadline, and it requires a totally different set of steps that need to be taken. The most important thing is you must have an attorney evaluate these deadlines.

Deadlines To Filing A Claim, Semi-Truck Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Deadlines To Filing A Claim

There are very critical deadlines when it comes to filing suit after a big truck accident. In a death case, the statute of limitations runs two years from date of death. If it is a personal injury case in Florida, generally the statute is four years. However, there are certain time limits which may apply, which are different from that. For example, if it happens to be a big rig truck owned by the state of Florida or a governmental agency, there are certain notice requirements which have a three-year deadline, and it requires a totally different set of steps that need to be taken. The most important thing is you must have an attorney evaluate these deadlines.