Failure To Wear Protective Gear, Motorcycle Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Todd Romano | 562 Views | 08/03/2016

Failure To Wear Protective Gear, Motorcycle Accident

Insurance companies and defense lawyers will always try to use that against you or a consumer or a loved one who’s been involved in an accident – the failure to wear any protective gear. However, in Florida, you’re not required to wear a helmet on a motorcycle if you comply with certain parameters, if you’re over a certain age, if you have eye protection, and if you have medical payments coverage in an off chance that you’re injured in a motorcycle accident. However, failure to wear any protective gear should not preclude you from contacting an attorney to handle your motorcycle accident case. While the failure to wear a protective gear will be used as a defense against you in an attempt to try reduce your overall recovery, it should not preclude you or prevent you from pursuing your motorcycle accident injury case, especially where you, as a motorcycle operator, were not at fault whatsoever in the cause of the accident itself.

Failure To Wear Protective Gear, Motorcycle Accident | Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury

Failure To Wear Protective Gear, Motorcycle Accident

Insurance companies and defense lawyers will always try to use that against you or a consumer or a loved one who’s been involved in an accident – the failure to wear any protective gear. However, in Florida, you’re not required to wear a helmet on a motorcycle if you comply with certain parameters, if you’re over a certain age, if you have eye protection, and if you have medical payments coverage in an off chance that you’re injured in a motorcycle accident. However, failure to wear any protective gear should not preclude you from contacting an attorney to handle your motorcycle accident case. While the failure to wear a protective gear will be used as a defense against you in an attempt to try reduce your overall recovery, it should not preclude you or prevent you from pursuing your motorcycle accident injury case, especially where you, as a motorcycle operator, were not at fault whatsoever in the cause of the accident itself.