Parenting Plans | Colorado Child Custody

Ray Chamberland | 969 Views | 02/17/2015

When I’m working with people on developing parenting plans, what we do is sit down together, you and I, and we work out what is the plan that serves you the best. Now we will have to try to convince the court that that’s in the best interest of the children, but you and I would sit down together and figure out a plan that you think serves your children’s best interest and that’s what we propose to the court. And we would propose that during settlement conferences, we’d propose that during mediation sessions, if we had temporary orders hearing that would be the plan, and that’s the plan we put forth at final orders.

Now oftentimes when we’re working on these plans, if we set a temporary plan we recognize somewhere along the way it just didn’t work, it’s not best for the kids. They’re not happy, their schoolwork is suffering, and we need to do something different. And sometimes that means the children are with you more often, sometimes it means we have to consider whether the other parent should have more time. But the complexities of that are the reason that I often suggest to folks, When you’re dealing with issues involving children and parenting you need professionals to help you.

By: Ray Chamberland

Parenting Plans | Colorado Child Custody

When I’m working with people on developing parenting plans, what we do is sit down together, you and I, and we work out what is the plan that serves you the best. Now we will have to try to convince the court that that’s in the best interest of the children, but you and I would sit down together and figure out a plan that you think serves your children’s best interest and that’s what we propose to the court. And we would propose that during settlement conferences, we’d propose that during mediation sessions, if we had temporary orders hearing that would be the plan, and that’s the plan we put forth at final orders.

Now oftentimes when we’re working on these plans, if we set a temporary plan we recognize somewhere along the way it just didn’t work, it’s not best for the kids. They’re not happy, their schoolwork is suffering, and we need to do something different. And sometimes that means the children are with you more often, sometimes it means we have to consider whether the other parent should have more time. But the complexities of that are the reason that I often suggest to folks, When you’re dealing with issues involving children and parenting you need professionals to help you.

By: Ray Chamberland